Chapter 1

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Normal afternoon, about 3pm, eda had just gotten back home from her job.  She put her keys on the counter and sighed. She didn't hate her job but it was stressful at times. 

Eda went straight to to her room, and got in something comfortable.  Even though eda lived alone she went to the far side of her closet, and pulled out a red hoodie she had stored away.

This hoodie was special to her, she actually stole it from her best friend. She and Raine had known each other for years.  Eda wasn't going to deny she has a crush on them, although at this this point she was head over heals in love.   She slipped the hoodie on and blushed. She stole all of raines hoodies so she had a collection, but she made sure they wore them a few times first.

Eda walked out her room, and say done while watching some tv to relax.  She thought about calling her sister, but she remember she had longer hours. Lilith was a lawyer and a very good one at that.

While Lilith was working on a few documents, she was keeping the reports if her previous trial up to date. Soon enough Erica walked over and leaned over her. "Heyy lilyyy"  Lilith looked up then back down at her computer.  "Erica, hello.. You need something?"  Erica chuckled. "The perfect prissy lily working like a dog"  Lilith sighed. "Why arnt you with rose?" Erica chuckled. "Shes touching up her makeup"  Lilith raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "You two were having Intercourse in the bathroom again.. Weren't you?"  Erica blushed and smirked. "Yep, you know us so well" Lilith shook her head. "Not only is that inappropriate but it's unsanitary"  Erica rolled her eyes. "You have OCD everything is unsanitary to you"  Lilith narrowed her eyes. "I do not! Thats a completely incorrect statement" Erica snickered. "Whatever nerd"  Lilith sighed in annoyance. "I'm not a nerd, I'm well read"   Lilith kept working then Rosie came over.  "Lilith! Hi!"  Rose said as she walked in. Erica immediately took her by the waist. "Hello rose" rose kissed Erica on the cheek which made her partner look annoyed. "Seriously rosey? The cheek?" Rose blushed, and rolled her eyes.  "Lemme talk to lily"   Erica sighed. "Fine.. "  Lilith chuckled, she wasn't against their relationship although it was mostly lust and sexual intentions.  "Hows eda? I haven't heard from her in a week and a half"  rose asked. "Ah, shes doing well.. I spoke to her yesterday, shes probably at home by now"  Erica snickered. "Yeah, at home fawning over the thousands of pictures of her and Raine"  rose giggled. "I think its cute! Shes loves them so much"  Lilith thought about the words of her friends. "Yeah.. She does, pretty much her whole life. By this point"  Lilith sighed, she knows this is hard on her sister and it's worse because she can't even help her because eda asked her not to interfere.  "Lily?.. You okay?"  Lilith looked back up and  and nodded. "Ah.. Um yes just, lost in thought"   Erica then dragged rose away, and Lilith put headphones on so she could work in peace. 

Meanwhile, Raine had just gotten home from work their self.  They went to their bathroom a took a shower, and bumped Into things because they couldn't see.  When Rai e was getting dressed they noticed their hoodies going missing along with other t-shirts. This has been happening their whole life so their really confused.   Regardless Rai e out on clothes, then decided to call eda. 

"hey calamity"

"Heyy Rainey"

"I see your in a good mood"

"Always.. Always in a good mood"

Glad to hear it, but hey, my clothes are going missing"

"O-oh?.. Uhh.. Really?"

"Yeah, just my hoodies and a few shirts"

"O-oh.. Uhh yeah that's weird"

"Yeah.. You alright?"

"Yeahh.. All good.. You?"

"Hah... Yeah I'm doing great thanks, calamity"


"Hey you uh.. Wanna come over?"

"Yeah, sounds great! Be there In 5!"

Eda hung up and was all giddy because of this.  She quickly changed in to something attractive, but.. Subtle.  She always wanted to look her best for Raine without looking desperate.. Even though she totally was desperate.  Eda quickly put her hair up since she only did that around Raine and left.

When eda got over to raines apartment she was already giddy, but now she had to hide it.  Unfortunately Darius saw them. 

As Lilith was just getting home Darius busted down the door. "LILITH!!" Lilith screamed, then slapped Darius for scaring her. "You bastard! Dont do that"  Lilith didn't hit him hard, but hard enough to get his attention.  "Ow! Jeez! Okay okay!"   Lilith folded her arms. " anyways! I'm fed up with eda and raines bullshit!!" Lilith raised  an eyebrow. "My sister pulls a lot of bullshit.. Please be specific" Darius sighed. "Her feelings for Raine! Their out of hand! Just last week I saw her leaving their apartment!"  Lilith emphasized him to go on. "The bitch stole their clothes" Lilith sighed. "This girl.. What can we even do about this?"   Darius smirked. "Time to act out... Operation, get eda and Raine together because Raine is blind and eda's a pussy!"  Lilith stood blankly. "... If it will stop her monthly ice cream depression fazes il do it.. "

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