Chapter 10

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Eda was in the kitchen getting ready for work, when she suddenly heard a bunch of Thuds and crashing around. Eda smiled shaking her head, then saw nakusa running out the Room in a panic.   Eda chuckled, as nakusa shoved a pop tart in her mouth, and shoved a bunch of papers in a folder than her backpack.  "You know, if you got up earlier, you wouldn't have this problem"  nakusa looked at her mother up and down then smaller the pop tart she was about to choke on. "Remind me what time you wake up at, on Saturday"  eda  had a guilty expression. "Point taken.. But in my defense I take care of you"   nakusa nodded, because she knew she was 10 handfuls. 

Nakusa was still hurrying, so eda grabbed a sharpie, and wrote down a few things on nakusa's arm. "You have some test today, you know?"  Nakusa nodded. "I stole the answer key a week ago!  So I have to put that back later"  eda nodded. "Alright kiddo, remember work smarter, not harder"   nakusa finished eating and had her backpack ready. Nakusa then brought went under the couch and pulled out 20 copies of the answer key.  "What are those for?" Eda asked, ammused with her daughters behavior. "Oh I'm gonna sell these in the hallway! Gotta great side hussle at that prison"    nakusa often sold copys of test answer keys, already done and correct homework assignments, bathroom passes, any and everything she could get her hands on.

Eda grabbed her keys, then she and nakusa got in the car.  While driving eda noticed nakusa on her phone. "Whatcha up to, kiddo?" Nakusa looked up. "Character a. I"   eda nodded.    It's very clear that eda and nakusa don't have the usual mother daughter relationship.  Because eda ussed character a. I to.. Along with wattpad and ao3. 

When nakusa for to school she jumped out the car.  " have a good day, love ya kid"  nakusa rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah, I love you to" nakusa ran off her main objective to make money.  As nakusa walked in she was I'mmediently rushed by her science teacher. "Ms clawthorne! No running in the halls!"   Nakusa jerked back seeing her." HOLY SHIT!- I mean umm How about them.. Politics?.."  Nakusa was swaying nervously. "Mhm, nice try, what are you up to?"  Nakusa smirked and shrugged
"Nothing~ just.. Got a lot to learn at school! Woohoo!" Nakusa skipped off, then ran around a cornor. 

Meanwhile eda was at work, she didn't have a problem with her job, but it could get irritating. Just then a rose was dropped in front of her. Eda sighed, and looked back to see her coworker Jack smirking at her.  Eda rolled her eyes.  "You being physically attracted to me isn't flattering if that's all you want me for"  jack leaned over eda. "Come on doll, just give me- give us.. A chance"  eda cringed so hard. "Smooth.. Real smooth, but my daughter will kick your ass if I so much at hint that you make me uncomfortable"  jack jerked back. "Daughter!?"  Eda sighed
"Yes.. I have a 14 year old daughter" jack looked nervous. " know what I'll leave you alone"   he said, and back away. Eda  sighed in annoyance

After edas shift she left out the building and headed to her car. Then her phone went off. It was a next from nakusa.

Got detention.. Again

Eda rolled her eyes, then for some reason her phone slipped out her hand. "Oh, here you go"  a voice said behind her. "Ah, thank you-"  eda stopped, and saw Raine behind her. Raine stared for a second and a rush of feelings hit them at once. "Eda.. Hey.. It's.. Really you"  eda blushed, and brushed her hair behind her ear. "The.. One and only" she said with a nervous chuckle. "Right.. There only one Lord Calamity"    this made eda blush harder.  "How've you been?.. It's.. Been so long since I've seen you"  Raine smiled. "Yeah.. You moved away 14 years ago.. And a few months give or take" 
They kept track..
Eda looked down. "Yeah.. Sorry about that, life just got kinda crazy"  Raine nodded. "I get that, but hey you look good"  Raine blushed slightly, the feelings that took them to long to develop where still there.  "Thanks.. And you.. Look.. Just a beautiful-.. I mean.. You look pretty-.. Fuck.. You.. Look.. Great"    eda didn't completely catch what they said, But laughed it off.  

Edas phone went off again and it was another test from nakusa.

I escaped

Eda smiled, then looked at the keys in her hand. "Hey I gotta go pick up.. Uh.. Do you still have the same number?"  Eda didn't want Raine to think she was married so she didn't mention nakusa, but Raine nodded. "Yeah.. I have the same number.. You?"  Eda started walking away. "Yes! I-i do.. Uh.. Catch you later"

Eda hurried out to pick up nakusa from school, and get home. When eda got to her school, nakusa popped out some bushes. "Yes! Get away car!" She cheered, and got in the car. "Step on it!"  And eda did just that, but only for a few minutes because she didn't want a ticket.

When eda and nakusa got home nakusa was heading straight to her room, untill eda grabbed her by her backpack. "Not so fast, lil trouble maker, what did you do this time?"  Eda asked with a a playful smirk. "I may have.. Or may have not.. Called a senior he was the cum shot his mom should have swallowed" eda burned out laughing, with made nakusa laugh. "Damn kid, what did he even do!?" Eda asked while still laughing a bit. "That bitch tried to take all the money I. Got from selling the test answer key I copied"  eda shrugged. "Okay.. Great joke, but wrong victim"  nakusa took out the money she had in her back, and it looked like literally 1000$ eda was surprised. Nakusa has been doing this since middle school but the am out of money she gets its pretty much minimum wage plus a tip.  Nakusa counted off half and gave it to eda. "And.. Their you go"  eda chuckled, and russled nakusa's hair, which made her jerk back.

Later that night while they were eating dinner, and looked over at nakusa and saw she was bored. "Soo.. Hows school?" Nakusa shrugged
"We're learning radicals in math"  eda gave a disturbed look. "What? I don't care about 5hat, tell me about Becky from biology"  nakusa immediately perked up. "Okay so! She found out her boyfriend was cheating on her, right?" Eda nodded. "Oh damn! How'd she find out?" Nakusa nodded. "She went through his phone and he was like, why are you going through my phone?"  Eda. Gave nakusa her full attention. "Oh shit, what did Becky say!?"  Nakusa giggledm"she whooped that ass in front of everyone! And I recorded it" eda got even more invested. "Oh damn, can I see?"  Nakusa handed eda her phone to watch the video. Both were laughing at the absurdity of the fight.

When eda started cleaning up nakusa decided to help, so eda thought maybe she should break the news to her so she wouldn't be left in the dark. "So uh.. I saw an old friend today" nakusa looked back. "Okay? Who was it?"  Eda blushed slightly. "Someone.. Very important to me.. Their name is raine"  nakusa nodded. "Alright, so.. Why are you telling me this?"  Eda chuckled. "Well.. Um, I might plan on seeing them soon and.. Just wanted you to know so we're on the same page.. "  nakusa gave a suspicious looked. "You want me to be nice to them.. Don't you?" Eda sighed, knowing she was caught. ".. Yes.. Very much so please" nakusa looked her mother up and down. "We'll see.."  Eda sighed again. "Come on kiddo, you can't do this anytime someone who isn't family tries to get close to me"  nakusa scoffedm"I can, I absolutely can, but I said we'll see.. Il keep my options open"    eda raised an eyebrow. "Nakusa, no hitting" nakusa sighed. "Fine.. But I won't like it"

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