Chapter 9

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A/n: 1 paragraph each age, untill I get her where I need her age to be be for my story line. And to make my life easier, she already has everything she needs

1 year old:
As eda set nakusa into her crib before going to bed, she turned on one of the small nightlights. Nakusa wasn't active, but she wasn't asleep either. Just waving her hands around making mindless baby noises. Eda smiled looking down at her daughter.  Their eyes met and without missing a beat, nakusa held up the middle finger at eda.  Eda looked at her daughter with a dumbfounded expression, then pulled out her phone and searched. "Is it illegal to square up with a 1 year old?"

2 years old:
By now nakusa had started crawling around so eda was always on guard making sure not to step on her. Then eda realized.. She never told her sister she had a baby. So she decided to call her.

"Hey.. Lily"

"Edalyn! Oh wow it's been a long time, how are you?"

"Um.. Good, well yeah good, I just.. Have to tell you something"

Just then nakusa crawled over and sat by eda's leg which made her smile.

"Oh? What is it?"

"I uh.. Have a baby"


"Ah.. Um.. No she's... Mine, and.. She's.. Um. Two-"

Just then nakusa decided to bite eda's ankle si ce she was teething and didn't hold back either.



"That little bitch bit me!!"

"She's a baby!!"

3 years old:
Nakusa would walk and talk now, but it was mostly her.. Waddling instead walking and because of eda's parenting skills, nakusa knew swear words. 
Eda invited Lilith over, since Lilith had never seen nakusa. She had pure white hair and blue eyes, but eda's pale skin.  While eda and Lilith were talking nakusa came over, and pushed eda's legs apart, then looked at eda with suspicion and and walked away. "Edalyn.. Why.. Is she doing that?" Eda sighed. "I fucked up today.."  Lilith was now confused. "I uh.. I'm on my period, and.. Because she follows me everywhere.. She.. Followed me to the bathroom, now I asked her to leave.. But He made it very clear she wasn't going to leave.. So I.. Changed my tampon in front of her" Lilith was now  very confused. "When she saw the tampon.. She looked at me and asked why I had a rat in my ass... " Lilith covered her mouth after hearing this. "So.. For some reason.. I thought it would be a good idea to teach a 3 year old about a period.. I gave an entire speech, and I felt good about it! I felt like I did a good job.. And ended it with.. And someday your going to have one to"  eda covered her face and sighed getting ready to tell Lilith the rest. " and all she took from that.. Was one day she's going to have a rat in her ass..and-and I can't take her out in public!! The first person she sees she's going to tell them, I have rats in my ass, and one day, she's.. Going to have rats in her ass.. And that's a Cps call if IV ever heard one.. Damnit.. A-am I fucking this kid up?"

4 years old:
While eda was making lunch nakusa walked by and stubbed her toe on a table leg. "Owww!! What the bitch!"  Eda looked back at her daughter in confusion. "Nakusa.. Go watch videos on swearing utill you can cuss out a grown man and his entire family tree"   nakusa nodded. "Yes mama.. "  and walked away. Eda was shaking her head. "Il be damned if my child don't know how to swear" 

5 years old: 
Eda had taken nakusa to the park, and Lilith came to.   "Yeah no.. I'm absolutely not getting back out there"  Lilith scoffed. "Oh come on, I think it would be good for you"  eda chuckled. "Funny.. I don't think I asked"   just then they heard high pitched screaming.  Eda and Lilith just. Led up, and saw nakusa fighting with a a little boy. "You like that!? Eat dirt! Eat it!! Does it taste good!?" Nakusa yelled, hitting the boy in the dirt rubbing it on his face. "Oh my god! Nakusa get off him!" Lilith yelled. "Wait-wait-wait.. She's winning" eda said. Eda let nakusa go at it for about 5 more minutes untill she drew blood.
Eda pulled nakusa offxand kissed her head. "I am so proud of ya! Although next time go straight for the nose, Instead of the arms you'll get more damage that way"

6 years old:
Nakusa climbed into the car, because eda had to pick her up early from school. "Alright kiddo, spill it.. What did you do?"  Nakusa filled her arms. "But it wasn't my fault!" Eda chuckled. "Okay, then who's fault was it"  nakusa shurgged. "Not mine"   eda shook her head, ammused with her daughter. "What happened?"  Nakusa took a deep breath. "Today it was my turn to be the line leader! And everybody knew that!!" Eda was confused to why this was important. "So when I got to the front, Tracy was there!"  Eda still didn't see a problem, but understood why nakusa was mad. "Okay?.. So what did you do?"  Nakusa gave a grin. "I told her.. If you don't get your stupid ass to the back I know something"  eda started laughing. "Okay what happened next?"  Nakusa folded her arms again. "She asked me what I knew, and called me an ugly rabbit!!"  Eda smacked her lips. Eda often teased nakusa about her hair being pure white, calling her a little bunny so she knew this was bad. "So I showed her what I knew"  nakusa said with pride. "What did you do?"  Nakusa giggled. "I put peanut butter in her ham sandwich"  eda was confused so nakusa said. "She's allergic to peanuts"  eda turned her head back so fast. "Now she's fighting for her life, with her big ass forehead" eda started laughing from the last part.

7 years old:
It was Saturday, and eda was sleeping in since she didn't have work today. Nakusa was already dressed, and snuck into edas room. Nakusa pulled out a horn and blew it straight in edas face make her scream and jolt up. When eda daw her daughter she groned. "Ughh.. Again with the horn?.." Eda mumbled and laid back down. "Don't blame me! Blame how fucking fun they are!" Nakusa blew the horn yet again, and eda was forced to get up.

8 years old:
Eda had just brought nakusa home from school, but had a late shift today. "Alright kiddo, I have to work late, so you want your aunt to come watch you or a babysitter?" Nakusas eyes lit up. "Baby sitter!!" Eda chuckled, and got one to come very quickly. Eda gave the babysitter 150$ because eda knew what nakusa was finna do to her. 
When eda got home, nakusa, nor the baby sister was anywhere to be seen. Eda looked around, and eventually saw fire out in the backyard. Eda rushed out, and saw nakusa had make a fire, and tied up the babysitter on a long heavy stick so nakusa could cook her, and be able to rotate the stick. "Oh my god nakusa!! Kid no!"  Nakusa jumped, then rolled her eyes. "Damnit.. Maybe next time"  nakusa out out the fire, and untied the baby sitter who was in literal tears. "I'm so sorry, are you alright?" Eda asked. The babysitter just ran. Eda then looked at nakusa. "Did you get anything off her?"  Nakusa shook her head. "The bitch was broke.. " nakusa walked inside disappointed.

A/n: this is running long sooo.. Just shes 14 the rest of the book

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