Chapter 13

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The next day nakusa was getting ready to go to the meusum with Lilith. "Alright, I think this should be enough" eda said, handing her sister 200 dollar. "Oh, no thank you, I can take care of everything" eda shook her head. "No.. Incase she breaks something.. Or.. Someone"  Lilith nodded, but still refused. "It's alright, she listens to me, I'm everything will alright"  eda shrugged. "If you say so.."
Lilith then smirked. "Soo.. How was your date?"   Eda immediately started blushing. "Ah.. Um.. Haha.. was sweet"  Lilith snickered.  "Uh huh, well I'm glad your happy"  nakusa came out her room, and headed out then door, to liliths car. "Alright, well were gonna get going"  eda waved.  

About 30 minutes later eda was just sitting on the couch, when her phone started ringing. Eda smiled when she saw it was raine

"hey rainestorm"

"Hello, Lord calamity, how are you doing?"

"Haha.. I'm doing fine just a little bored"

"Oh? Who come, nakusa seems like the type to be entertaining"

"Oh yeah she is, but she went to the meusum with her aunt"

"Oh! Well sounds like fun, you didn't want to go"


"Heh.. Okay well how about I come and keep you company"

"Awh, raine that's so sweet"

"It's no problem at all, I love being around you"

"Il.. See you when you get here" 

Eda was happy she'd get to see raine again, and  waited very impatiently.

When raine arrived, eda got kinda nervous all of a sudden, although she wouldn't admit to it.  However raine noticed, because she was just sitting next to them, not saying anything. "You alright?"  Eda looked at raine, then nodded.  Raine chuckled, and took her hand. "You know, you can't lie to me right?"  Eda chuckled, and nodded. "Yeah.. I guess your right"  eda blushed, and combed through her hair with her hand. Raine watched her, and realized they.. Never really saw eda with her hair down, mainly because eda always put it up when she knew she'd be around them.  "You look cute with you hair, calamity"    eda gave Raine a sweet smile, "thanks, wait.. You've never really seen my hair down, have you?" Raine shook their head. "You always had your hair up"  

Eda chuckled, "yeah.. I guess I did, I guess when you raise the most out of pocket teenager.. Having your hair up isn't really essential"   Raine laughed a bit at eda's statement. "Well she is your daughter"  eda then took about 30 minutes telling Raine all kinds of things nakusa did when she was younger. "That little girl was  allergic to peanuts"  Raine gasped. "Damn..why is she like that"  eda shrugged. "No idea, but I know she'll make it in life, she won't take disrespect from anyone"   Raine nudged eda playfully. "Looks like you raised a strong little girl"  eda smiled. "Well it sure as hell wasn't easy, but I'd say it was worth it"  Raine then got a random thought, and decided to ask. "If.. It's not a sore subject, what about her father?" 

Eda stayed quiet for a second, then was visually upset. Raine noticed and felt bad for asking. "Eda.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you"  eda shook her head. "No, I'm not upset, you have no reason to apologize.. It's just.. I know I'd have to tell someone about this.. Some day and.. I-in just not sure if I'm ready"  Raine hesitated, then leaned over and gave eda a kiss on the cheek, when eda felt it, her heart started pounding as she looked at them with a stunned expression non her face. "Eda.. If your not ready, you don't have to tell me.. But when you are.. Il be here to listen"  eda gave a sweet smile, and nodded. "It.. Happened, a very long time ago.. And isn't really a problem now.. But.. "   eda hesitated, she didn't know how Raine would take something like this "I was upset.. And lily forced me out of bed, and told me to go get fresh air.. So.. My dumbass went to a a bar"  Raine gave a playful smirk. "Really? A bar is your idea of a fresh air"    eda rolled her eyes. "I wasn't.. In the best mindset"   Raine kept a hold of her hand. "So.. Um.. You know I got wasted pretty quickly, then some guy came up to me.. And.. It's all fuzzy from there"  Raine was confused, but let eda keep going. "Next thing I remember.. I.. Woke up sore, and with a hangover.. Next to some random man who looked twice my age.. It.. Doesn't take a genius to piece together what happened"  raine was utterly shocked by this,

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