Chapter 12

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Eda only let a day go by when she told Raine she wanted to go out with them, and they both agreed to go out tonight since it was Friday. Nakusa was sitting on edas bed watching her get ready. "I still don't see why you even interested in dating, I thought moms didn't have a life"  eda chuckled. "Okay damn.. But actually I can have a life, and besides.. Your old enough to stay home by yourself for a few hours"  nakusa nodded. "Well I get that, but what's the point of dating anyway? Just seems like a waste of time"  eda looked back at nakusa, with a  smirk. "Your 14 now, you've never had a crush or something?" Nakusa shook her head.
(Also.. Because I created nakusa, she
is canonically aroace)

Eda started doing her hair. "Well.. People.. Date..because they find someone that makes them happy, and.. Well.. I don't know special"  nakusa raised an eyebrow.  "Sounds weird, besides isn't one kid enough? I don't really want any siblings"  eda blushed profusely. "Woah! H-hey! What the hell do you think we're going to be doing!?"  Eda asked. Nakusa shrugged. "I watched a few soap operas with auntie lily, dates lead to getting-"  eda covered nakusa's mouth. "Okay! I get it, but no! We're.. Not doing that, jeez kiddo, that's one active mine you got there"

Nakusa nodded. "I'm a very busy person, but I still don't trust this date"  eda chuckled. "Come on baby girl, did you think I'd be single forever?"  Nakusa nodded. "Yes actually" eda rolled her eyes playfully. "Come on kiddo, just give Raine a chance.. I'm sure you two will get along so well if you just get to know them"  nakusa shrugged. "Ehh.. I don't know, just know I will initiate operation pop lock drop" eda started gigging. "What does that even mean?"   Nakusa folded her arms. "If you don't know don't ask"

The door bell rang, and eda smiled brightly. "Alright, remember don't burn down the house, there's frozen meals for in in the freezer, call your aunt if you need anything else okay?" Nakusa nodded, then eda kissed her head. "Bleh! Ew mom gross!" Nakusa wiped her head, then followed eda to the door. 

Eda opens the door and her mind traveled once again.

In edas mind:
Eda opened, the door to Raine who had on dress pants  and shoes but no shirt, along Raine seeing eda, the grabbed her, and immediately started kissing her.  Eda kissed back  then was dragged  to her bedroom

"Evening calamity, your look beautiful"  eda shook her head to get whatever wattpad fantasy she had away untill she was alone. "H-hey.. Um.. Thank you, you look nice as well.. " eda was blushing, then nakusa stepped in front of her. "Yeah no, excuse you, what are you intentions with my mother?"  Raine blushed. "Uh.. W-what?" Raine didn't know how to answer. "Don't play dumb! Answer the damn question"   eda face palmed. "Uh...somewhere.. Nastolgic" Raine smiled at eda when they answered.. "Aye!  Eyes down here!"  Raine was ammused so they humored her. "Don't worry nakusa, I'd never hurt your pretty momma"  Raine winked at eda, nakusa scoffed. "Hey look, I'm sure your a good person, great even.. But not good enough for her, keep it moving Shrek"  eda shook her head, and mouthed. "I'm sorry" to Raine.  Raine then opened the bag they had and gave nakusa a box of cookies. "Here, I got these for you"  Nakusa glared. "Is this a bribe?" Eda nodded at Raine telling them to say yes. "Only if it works"  Raine said with a smug expression. "Smooth.. Now I'm gonna eat these.. But I'm highly offended by them.. " nakusa pushed eda out the door, and went of her merry way.

Eda and Raine headed off, but eda was just amazed. While driving eda was just smiling at them. "What are you looking at, calamity?"  Eda chuckled. "How did you know to do that? I never told you she was a little cookie addict" Raine chuckled. "She had cookie crumbs on her shirt when I saw you two at that prank store" eda nodded. "Clever rainestorm.. "  Raine blushed slightly. "Okay seriously, where are we going?"   Eda started looking out the window. "I told you it was a surprise"   eda rolled her eyes playfully.  " you know I really can't stand you sometimes"  Raine laughed, and then parked by a pier. 

They helped eda out the car, even though she didn't really need help.   "Your so sweet Raine.. "  Raine blushed, and kept hold of edas hand.  

The pier was lit by lanterns, eda was amazed by the beauty of this place. "Raine its beautiful.. " taken loved seeing nthat smile on edas face. "Not as beautiful as you, calamity"  eda blushed at Raines words.  Then wondered something. "Raine... When did.. You start having these feelings for me?"   Raine sat down on a bench, and invites eda to sit with them. "You didn't answer the question.. "  Raine chuckled. "Well.. After.. We stopped talking for a while, I missed you so much.. We saw each other everyday so I never knew I'd miss you so much.. Then well.. You kissed me on the cheek, and that really made me consider you in a different light. I mean.. Iv always found you pretty, but.. You know I have to really look at you"   eda smirked. "So.. You started checking me out?"  Raine blush, and chuckled. "Maybe a little..but.. What really sold me.. Was.. When I caught you stealing my clothes" eda blushed profusely. "I uh.. Y-you.. Saw that?"  Raine nodded, and held her jaw. "I did, and.. It was pretty cute"  eda blushed, and looked pretty embarrassed.

Raine chuckled. "Don't worry, I'm not mad, although it's kinda weird"  eda giggled. "It's just.. They had your Cologne on them.. So.. I wore them so.. I could feel like you were holding me.. While I slept"  Raine blushing hard, at edas explanation. "Edalyn.. That is the sweetest things iv ever heard you say"  Raine never uses her full name.. Unless is serious.. Or they really want to be sensire.  "Thank you Raine.. You.. Have no idea how much this means to me"  Raine pulled eda into a hug which she accepted happily.   "You look beautiful eda.. " eda blushed. "Thanks..glad I haven't lost my charm"   Raine chuckled. "That would be impossible, your charm.. Is more than you just flirting, it's.. The chaotic side of you.. The side of you I love the most"  eda was on the verge of tears hearing such things from raine.  "God.. Damnit" she mumbled, as she planted her face in her hands as a pathetic attempt to not cry.  Raine immediately got worried. "E-eda! Hey.. No don't cry, I'm sorry"   eda chuckled while a few tears snuck done her cheeks. "No it's just.. Iv waited so long to hear you say something like that to me.. Iv imagined it so many times and.. It's just so beautiful to hear you actually say it.. And not just in some dream"  Raine held her close, and slowly but affectionately wiped her tears away and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Sorry.. For making you wait, edalyn"    eda smiled brightly. She wanted to kiss them so bad, but didn't want to rush things either. She always thought when the time came.. She'd be ready to tell them she loved them.. But.. The words wouldn't form. 

Both missed their talks they had, but something was one Raines mind. "Eda.. I don't want to come off as rude but, how come nakusa has white hair?"  Eda chuckled. "Yeah um. That's my fault..i had a few glasses of wine while I was pregnant"  raine started laughing. "Are you kidding me?, you need help calamity"   eda also started laughing. "Oh shut up! You have issues to!" Raine smirked. "Pft, like what?"  Eda took off Raines glasses. "Your blind! I mean seriously, how could you not tell I had a crush on you!?"  Raine shrugged. "Don't shrug at me you fool!"  Eda said playfully, then out Raines glasses back on.  Raine then wrapped their arms around edas lower back. "God I missed you" eda hugged back. "I missed you to.. "

Raine then looked eda in the eyes, and part of them wanted to kiss her, but didn't want to rush things either. "Promise.. You'll never leave again"
Eda nodded. "I promise.. "

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