Chapter 8

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A/n: short chapter..
Eda got into her new home, and felt a wave a relief wash over her. It wasn't hug, but it was nice. A one story house with 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms.
(Literally just my childhood house)
Eda felt proud of herself, and started unpacking. Luckily the house came furnished. (Dont question me)

Now all she had to do what get through this pregnancy.  Eda first of all wasn't ready to be a mother, and it was TO LATE FOR ABORTION. Eda started crying knowing she'd still have to give birth, but was determined to get her life back on track.

After eda had completed settled in her new home, she went to the hospital.  When she got there she was still anxious being there but she couldn't call anyone this time. When the doctor came to her, it was the same one as before. "Hello Ms clawthorne!  How can I help you today?"  Eda looked down. " I.. Want to give this baby up for adoption"  the doctor was shocked by this and hoped to reconcile with her. "Ms clawthorne please, are you sure this is what you want?" Eda nodded. "I.. I can't take care of a baby.. I'm.. Not fit to be anyone's mother"  the doctor sighed. "Alright.. When.. You give birth, you'll sign a few papers giving up the rights to your child"   the doctor left and so did eda.

It wasn't a very hard pregnancy, but hiding the fact she was pregnant was the hardest part.  She wouldn't let anyone come visit her, and only talked to her sister. And dispute common sense, eda still drank alcohol while being pregnant. Not hard liquor, but different Veriaties of wine. 

When eda's due date came she was scared out of her mind.  Her doctor came and got her all set up. " alright Ms clawthorne, your ready to start pushing" and eda pushed. Letting out blood curling screams everytime. After 4 hours passed eda still wasn't close. "AHHHH!!! GET THIS BITCH OUT!!"  She screamed.    After 7 more hours of screaming and pain, and encouragement that did absolutely nothing to help. Eda gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.
A few hours later, eda was given her child..

Unfortunately because eda didn't wa t to get attached she kept her gaze at the papers she was given.   Eda picked them up, then looked around for a pen.  While doing so she set eyes on her baby, who she hasn't named yet.   Eda stared at her for few second, then tilted her head. The baby waved her little hand around. 

Against eda's better judgement she picked up her baby, and instantly smiled.  Then her baby started giggling.  At that moment, eda.. Didn't want to give her baby away.  So she quickly called the doctor.   As she walked in she looked a little worried. "Is everything alright Ms, clawthorne?"   Eda was nearly in tears and she shook her head. "I-i changed my mind.. I wanna keep her"  the doctor smiled, and took the papers away and threw them in the trash.  "Congratulations.. Do you know what your going to name her?"   Eda looked down. Her baby had blue eyes. Eda tilted her head then said. "Nakusa.. "

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