Chapter 6

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The next morning eda woke up, her eyes swollen red from tears.  Her head was throbbing from the hang over, and realized she wasn't at home. Eda looked around, saw the man next to her.  Eda was mortified to say the least, then the pain in her legs let her know what the hell happened.  

Eda tried to carefully get out of bed, but ended up falling. She looked up to make sure the man hadn't woken up. She saw the dress she put on, and grabbed it. She quickly threw it on, and attempted to stand up. She hand to hold on to things to be able to walk.

Eda finally got out that man's house, and stumbled home. She was very hung over, and her intuition was fucked up so she didn't have the common sense to call an Uber or something. 

When eda snuck back into her apartment, she fully collapsed and broken down, the realization of what had happened sunk in and she couldn't handle it.  She sobbed uncontrollably on the floor trembling.    
She didn't know how to handle this, and what really agrivatted her the most was that she couldn't stop it.. And it wasn't Raine that did it to her.

After about 3 hours of sobbing, eda stumbled up, and took a shower untill the water was to cold to stand in.   Eda then put on one of raines hoodies, and laid in her bed contiplating what to even do next. What should she do? Should she tell someone?  She had no idea and was just over thinking.

But of course this is eda were talking about so she chose to never utter a word of this to anyone. 

Eda stayed in bed for a week straight, not eating not sleeping, and it worried  everyone. She won't answer her phone, threats to call her parents didn't work. Raine attempted to talk to her, she wouldn't budge. 

It took eda a month to be functional again, then she started getting sick.  Only time she let anyone near her was Lilith who was taking care of her. "You'll be alright eda.. Just stay in bed and rest"  eda groaned, and spit out the thermometer. "Edalyn, you know, Raine.. Their worried about you"   eda sighed, but really couldn't care when she felt like this. "Not now.. Please I'm not in the mood"  Lilith sighed.   Eda laid  her head under her pillow. " love ya lily.. "  Lilith back st eda with so much confusion. "Uhh.. Yeah.. I love you to?.."  

Lilith left eda's apartment confused and very disturbed.  Raine just so happened  to be outside eda's door. "Lilith? Is something the matter?"  Lilith looked back at the door off eda's apartment and shuddered. "Edalyn.. Just told me loves me"  Raine was confused at first. "Well.. She's.. Your sister, so I'd assume she would.. "  Lilith shook her head. "No.. She only says that if she wants something from me"  Raine chuckled. "She's.. Acting strange lately"  Lilith mumbled.

Raine took a second to think. "maybe.. I could talk to her?"  Lilith shook her head. "She's not feeling well, but it would be good for you two to talk when she gets better"  Raine understood but they still missed her.

Meanwhile eda got better to an extent, she still threw up a lot, but afterwards she was fine. She still went to work but would often throw up depending on the situation.    She didn't know why this was happening and frankly.. She didn't really care. 

On her way back to her apartment, Raine quickly caught up to her. "Eda! Hey.. Do you have time to talk?"  Eda looked at them, and smiled. "No.. Sorry, I don't, but maybe later?"   Eda started walking away, untill Raine held her back. " eda. Please! Can you just make a little time?"    Eda blushed at the boldness of Raine actions, and cleared her throat. "I.. O-okay"    raine smiled, and gave eda a tight hug.  Edas face turned a light pink hue, then she eventually hugged back.

She won't admit it, but she missed them just as much if not more.  "I missed you to, rainestorm.."     Raine was happy to hear this, hoping now they could have their "best friend" back. Raine let go of her, and sighed. "You know it's been 2 weeks since I've been able to talk to you"  eda chuckled, and  messed with her hair. "Yeah.. I've just.. Been going through something lately and just.. I'm trying to get everything straight"   Raine  was happy to see she was okay. "Yeah, I heard you got sick"

Eda nodded. "Yeah.. Alright flu or whatever I don't know"  Raine chuckled. "Seriously? Did you even go to the doctor?"  Eda shook her head. "I'm not going to a damn doctors office first of all, and second I'm fine"   raine missed her charming personality, they missed her. They never realized how much they would miss her. "Whatever you say, calamity"   eda blushed at the name, and got bold all of a sudden.  She rested her hands on their jaw line, and looked them in the eyes with a crimson hue on her cheeks.

Raine was utterly shocked by this.  "Raine.. I want you to know I'm not mad at you for what happened that day"   Raine was relived, but still waited for eda to finish.  "I don't hold it against ya, not at all.. And I'm so glad were still friends" Raine looked her in the eyes, and small blush appeared on their cheeks, although eda didn't notice. "Eda.. Thank you, so much.. I'm so sorry I hurt you" eda smiled, as she felt raines arms wrapped around her. "Ah.. Don't worry about it.. I'm okay now, uh.. May i?"  Raine didn't really know exactly what she wanted but nodded.

Eda bit her bottom lip, and place her second hand on her other cheek.  She was blushing profusely. Eda then gave Raine a small kiss on the cheek. Raine froze, as their blush grew.  "You'll always be my best friend, rainestorm"  eda let go of them, and waved goodbye and left.  Raine stood there really letting it sink in what just happened.

Meanwhile eda just walked in her apartment, and she was squealing and all giddy, blushing and spinning around at what she'd just done.   She'd never been so bold with them before and it felt amazing for her.  She was already in a good mood now.

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