Chapter 7

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Over the next few weeks, eda was with Erica, and Darius.  They were just hanging out. "No you didn't!!"  Erica yelled. "I did! I still can't believe it!"  Eda squealed. "Damn eda, I didn't think  you had it in you" eda blushed and then saw Darius come out with a bowl of soup.  One smell of it, eda gagged, Erica gave a confused and concerned look. "Oh damn, girl you alright?"   Eda shook her head then rushed to the bathroom. Erica followed, saw eda throwing up. Erica held her hair back, and eda proceeded to throw up her guts.

When eda was done, she got up  and washed her mouth out. Erica  helped eda clean up, then sat her down. " eda you've got to go for he doctor " eda shook her head. "No! Ugh, I hate the doctors office"  Erica sighed. "Girl, go or I'm telling your sister"  eda rolled her eyes. "Don't you have a girlfriend to fuck? Get off my back"  Erica smirked. "Just because you can't pull doesn't mean you need to be bitter"  eda scoffed.

Eda finally agreed to go to the doctor after a while of arguing, little did she know this would turn her whole life around. 

While eda was in the waiting room, she got more and more anxious.  She didn't like being anywhere with white rooms and machines.   Luckily raine just happened to call her.

" hey calamity, whatcha up to?"

"H-hey Raine.. Um.. A-at the doctors office" 

"What!?.. Jeez are you okay?"

"Y-yes!.. Just uh.. Um.."

"Eda.. Your afraid of the doctors office, did anyone come with you?"

"Ah.. Um.. N-no.. I just.. Um.. Uh.. "

"Hang in there.. Send me your location, and il be right there"

Eda hung up the phone and sent them her location as requested.  Within 10 minutes Raine came and sat next to her. Eda was so relived to see them next to them. "Hey.. You alright"  they asked with a kind smile.  Eda nodded her head, but Raine could still see how anxious she was.

Raine held her hand, which helped her to calm down. Raine watched as eda started to calm down, then laid her head on their shoulder. Raine couldn't help but smile at the sight of it and blushed a little.   Just then, a old woman walked passed them. " awh, what a nice couple" Raine blushed even more. "Ah.. N-no ma'am.. She's.."   The old wa interrupted them. "It's alright, I wouldn't want to wake up your pregnant wife"    Raine was now very confused.  "No ma'am.. She's.. J-just my friend sand.. Shes not pregnant"  the old woman looked at eda who was sleeping peacefully. "Trust me, I can see it, she's expecting"  Raine looked at edaxthen back at the old want who was now gone.

Soon enough a doctor came out. "Edalyn clawthorne?"  Raine gently nudged eda awake.  "Calamity.. The doctor is calling you, you want me to come with you?"   Eda smiled, and stood up.  "No.. Don't worry about it, thank you rainestorm"  eda walked off in the direction of the doctor sand Raine left wondering why that woman would say eda was pregnant. As far as they knew, she wasn't sexually active. 

When eda was in the room with the doctor she was a little nervous. "Alright ma'am.. What are your symptoms?" Eda looked down, wishing she asked Raine to be here with her. "I'm.. Uh.. Throwing up a lot.. And getting a little more emotional than usual"  the doctor wrote down what eda said, then took a second to process. "Alright, anything else?" Eda took a second to think.. "Uh.. My.. Diet is changing I guess"  the doctor nodded. "Alright, what have you been eating lately"   eda felt embarrassed to admit this. "It's.. Some weird shit.. "  the doctor giggled at eda's language. "It's completely fine Ms clawthorne, I won't judge" eda took a deep breath. "Chocolate.. With um.. Mayonnaise.. And ramen nooddles.. With sugar"   the docker looked confused, then smiled. "Right, so il have you take a quick urine sample.

Eda didn't really want to but she did it anyway.  The doctor left eda in the room, to test the sample.  Eda was worried about what would come of the tests, but nothing could prepare her for what would happen next.

The doctor soon walked back in, with a huge smile which put eda at ease and she stood up. "Congratulations Ms clawthorne! Your pregnant!"  Eda stood there as her eyes twitched. "I'm sorry.. I'm FUCKING WHAT!?"   The doctor was shocked but eda's reaction. "Ma'am trust me, this is a good thing"  eda started panicking. "I-I CAN'T TAKE CARE OF A BABY!! I can barely keep myself in check!!"  The doctor watched as eda paced.    " ms clawthorne, everything will be alright, I'm sure your husband will be-"  she was interrupted by eda shaking her. "I'M NOT MARRIED!!! I'M NOT EVEN IN A RELATIONSHIP!!!"   Eda started hyperventilating.

Well it took about an hour but eda finally calmed down.  Eda left and quickly went home and started crying.  Whe didn't want a child not did she know how to take care of one.  She wasn't ready.  Eda's never wanted kids, and already knew she wasn't mother material. Eda now knew she was to far along to have an abortion

A few days later of eda wallowing in self pith she made a plan. She didn't want anyone knowing she was pregnant and luckily she could cover it with baggy clothes for now.  
Eda started making preparation to move away.    She wasn't moving states or anything, just a small house to herself so she could be pregnant in secret. 

When she told everyone this they were all shocked to say the least which was understandable.   It was all so sudden. "edalyn noo!!! Don't do itN these two make out on everything!! The germs! Think of the germs!!"   Lilith whined. "You'll be fine lils.. Besides it's gonna take me a few weeks to get outta here"  eda chuckled and pushed her sister off, only to see Erica and raise making out in the corner. Raine then came up and hugged her. "I'm gonna miss ya, calamity"  eda smiled and hugged them back. Then saw Darius making kissy faces at her so she flicked them off. 

The very morning eda was moving drained decided to check their security cameras they installed months ago, they wanted to see why their clothes were disappearing.   Raine decided to check the footage from the night before, and watched carefully.  

They saw eda sneak in their bed room, and this shocked them because she doesn't.. Or.. At least shouldn't have a key.   Eda went straight through their closet, and took a hoodie out.  When Raine saw this  they had a questioning look.  She then  smelled the hoodie and looked at Raine while they slept.  Eda kneeled down and brushed raines hair back, and kissed their forehead.  Raine blushed seeing this, because they didn't know she loved them so much to do this in the middle of night.  Eda left again, and the footage continued all night with Raine sleeping peacefully.

Raine shut off the footage, and sat there contiplating what they just saw. Remembering all eda's past behavior, the way she cared for them, helped them, and did literally anything for them.  She got more and more flustered, and felt like a giant asshole.  They rejected her and now.. They.. Had feelings for her.  However Raine had more respect for eda that to rush her with their new feelings after breaking her heart.  However.. If they could go back in time.. And redo it all.. They'd accept her request.

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