Chapter 11

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Eda had just woken up, it was a Saturday and fortunately she wasn't woken up because she was creamed in the face or an obnoxious horn.  Eda sat up, and immediately got a text.

Good morning, Calamity

Eda smiled at blushed slightly, and it just occored to her that Raine must of remembered her sleep schedule.  This made her all giddy inside because to her this was a sign they still cared. 

When eda left her room, she combed her hair back a little with her hand, and saw nakusa in the living room. Eda saw nakusa watching TV,  eating a frozen meal. Eda buys them pretty often because nakusa can't cook, and eda would rather not wake up and the entire neighborhood be on fire because her daughter tried to boil water.

Nakusa had been up for hours, but eda wondered why she wasn't woken up with a horn. "What? No wake up call today?"  Eda asked playfully leaning on the couch.  Nakusa shook her head. "The horn ran out of juice, so I wondering if you could take me to the prank store I go to, for some new supplies"  eda chuckled. "Hmmm.. Alright, let me get dressed, and we can go"  nakusa was already dressed so she just grabbed some in the money she had. 

Eda quickly got dressed, and took nakusa to the prank store.  Edanekt nakusa go in alone because well she was old enough, and wasn't worried about kidnapperes because nakusa could take a grown man in a fight. Eda leaned against the wall, her mind started wandering.

In edas mind:
Eda and Raine were out at night on a beach lit by candles, as they both danced around like a Disney couple.  Raines hands were wandering all over her waist and hips. Both blushing furiously.  "Calamity my darling.." Edas eyes glowed with passion, as they pinned her down slowly but surely.  "Eda?" Raine looked her straight in eyes. "Calamity?"  eda leaned up a bit preparing to kiss them. "Eda!" 

Back to reality:
Eda jumped, and saw Raine Standing in front of her. "Shit! Uh.. Hey.. Raine, um.. Hi"  eda mumbled Pathetically.  Raine chuckled then saw the store she was by. " what are you doing at a prank store?"   Eda looked up, then held the back of her neck nervously. She wanted to be honest with Raine.. But had no intention of telling them how she got pregnant. "Well.. Actually my daughter wanted to come here"  Raines eyes widen, and flashed a little disappointment. "Oh? How old is she?" Eda looked back in the store and smiled. "14 actually"  Raine took a step back, now believing she was married. "Ah.. Looks like you've been busy"  eda chuckled. "Yeah.. She's a handful.. And raising a kid by yourself is no cake walk"  Raine perked up. "W-what about your spouse?"   Eda blushed slightly. "Spouse? Ha, yeah no IV never been married"  Raine tried to hide the relief in their eyes. "Oh? So she's adopted?" Eda was  about to say no, until nakusa came running out. "Hey mom, look I got 4 horns for the price of 1! How cool is- who's this ass clown?" She asked setting her gaze on Raine. Eda chuckled. "Hey, I said be nice!"   Eda pulled nakusa in front of her. "Rainestorm, this is my daughter.. Nakusa"  raine smiled and waved.

Nakusa looked them up and down, then decided nothing was off right off the back, so she backed off a bit. "Hey.. You look like the person she has under her-" eda quickly covered her mouth. "Heh.. Wooo.. Kids am I right?"   Eda said nervously. "Nakusa is a very pretty name"  nakusa nodded awkwardly, wondering why they were sucking up to her. "Thanks?.. How long have you known my mom?"  Eda smiled thinking about it. "Pretty much my whole life"  nakusa looked at eda, then back at raine. "Mhm.." Nakusa mumbled then beaded for edas car. Eda sighed. "Sorry Raine.. She's.. Um.. I don't know, territorial?"
Raine nodded. "Hey it's alright, she just.. Doesn't seem to like me" Raine held the back of her neck. "No, it's not you, she just.. I don't know she's always been like that, she doesn't like when people get close to me"   Raine chuckled. "Well.. Would she be mad.. If.. I um.. Invited you to come out with me?"  Eda blushed. "Are you.. Asking me out?"   Raine blushed slightly. "Um.. Maybe?"  Eda smiled.. Then smirked. "Uh huh.. And what happened to you just seeing me as a friend?"   Raine could hear the teasing tone in her voice. "So.. That'd.. Be a no?" Raine asked with a ammused but  slightly disappointed smile. "Well.. I didn't say that.. Just.. Give me some time to think about it"  eda walked away feeling pretty good about herself, and Raine well..they were amazed how eda was a mother, but still the same person.

When eda got home, she immediately called Lilith

"Hey lily!"

"Eda lunch, you seem to be in a good mood"

"Yeah, I am! You won't believe who I saw today"

"Um.. Who?"


"... You were a mess.. Weren't you?"

"M-maybe a little! But they uh.. Asked me out"

"What?! Are you serious?"


"Wow, good for you, where are you going?"

"I uh.. Told them I'd think about it"

".. What- you have a literal shrine of them under your bed"

"Hey! It's not a shrine! It's a memorial!".

"Whatever, it's a shrine"

"Why didn't you say yes? You've had feelings for them for years"

"I don't want to look desperate!!"

"But.. You are desperate"

"I.. Fair point, but still!"

"Whatever you say, bit nakusa isn't just going to let them date you"

"Yeah...but Raine is amazing, and cure, and charming! And cute-"

"You said that twice.."

"You get no bitches"

"Seriously?  Do your have to be so immature?"


"Anyway.. I got some tickets not the museum, I wanted to know if nakusa wanted to come with me, I know she's into Osteology"

"What the fuck is that?"

"Study of bones"

Eda saw nakusa walk by so eda grabbed her shirt to stop her. "Hey, you wanna go for he museum with your aunt to look at bones or whatever?"   Nakusa lit up. "YES! I need new bones to make this new type of voodoo doll"  eda cringed

"She'll come"

"Wonderful, anyways have fun on your date"

Nakusa heard Lilith say date, and immediately have eda a death glare.

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