Chapter 3

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Eda was pretty much being shoved out the door and to Raines. "Guys wait!" She pleaded. "No! No waiting! Your going to do it!" Lilith demanded. Eda was now in front of Raines door, she wanted to knock, she really did, but she couldn't. "Eda just knock!" Erica said. "I.. I can't" she mumbled. Rose knocked for her, then she Eric and Lilith ran out of sight. "Oh hey eda, need something?" Eda blushed, and waved, making Raine chuckle. "Raine... I-" the words eda wanted to say just wouldn't come out. Eda closed her mouth as not to look stupid while Raine just gave her a crooked smile. This made her blush even more, then she took a deep breath. "Rainestorm..i.. Just wanted to ask if youd-.. " a moment of doubt flooded eda's head. "If you wanted to head to a cafe with me?" Raine smiekd brighter at the idea. "Yeah sounds fun, you wanted to go now?" Eda nodded.

As the two got to the cafe and sat down together. Eda was completely over thinking on what to say. She was fiddling with the napkin next to her.

In eda's mind:
Eda then got a look of determination, and a light blush. "Raine.. I wanted to know if.. " she hesitated for a Second. "Eda.. " but over all she wanted to do it. "Eda?" Eda stood up and held her hand out to them. "Raine I love you! And I don't care who knows it!" She said with a vibrant smile. "Eda!" Raine covered they mouth as she got down on one knee. "Raine with you-" "EDA"

Back to reality:
Eda looked up, snapping out of whatever imagination world she was in. "Huh?"  Raine chuckled with made eda embarssed. "You were spaced out"  eda then looked over and saw  Lilith, rose and Erica spying on her and Raine. Eda  was mortified and Raine saw it on her face. They looked back only to see nothing there, because Lilith, Erica and rose ducked down in a bush.  " whatcha looking at?"  Eda blushed. "Umm.. Squirrels.. Annoying.. NERDY!! HORNY! SQUIRRELS!"  Eda said in a passive aggressive way knowing they could all hear her.  "Heh.. Your passionate about that calamity"  raine teased, eda gave a bashful smile in reply. 

A watress came over to them, and they both ordered Pastries and coffee.    Eda then saw rose holding up a sign reading. " ASK THEM OUT"  eda blushed profusely she did want to, but just couldn't find the  words to.  Raine looked at eda's expression, they could tell something was on her mind. "Calamity, a  penny for your thoughts?"  Eda smiled, then combed through her hair with her hand. "Oh.. Uh.. Just.. Thinking, you know.. We're in the perfect age.. To start dating.. And.. You know.. We're both single"  raine took a second to think about what eda had just said. "Well.. I guess so" raine then finally caught on, but.. Not in the way we want. "Ooooo calamity, you have a crush, don't ya?"  Eda blushed even harder. "I-i.. T-theres a.. Uh.. Possibility"   eda muttered out.  "Ooo, male or female?"
Eda saw this as an opportunity, to silently tell them. "Non binary actually"  raine smiled
"That's so cool, just like me! What's their name?"  Eda covered her face. "I-im not telling you!!" Raine chuckled at eda's reaction.  "Well at least give me a clue"  eda took a deep breath. "Their.. Sweet.. And funny.. Very cute, hella strong.. I mean seriously they pick me up with no problem.. Like music.. And spicy foods.. " eda stopped, hoping Raine would get it. "Wait a second.. I like music and spicy foods... And I pick you up a lot.. Oh my god"  eda smiled brightly, no doubt Raine had realized. "You modled your dream person after me?"   Eda sat there dumbfounded, then just sighed. "Yes.. "

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