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I didn't realize how long I was in the bathroom until I heard a knock on the door. Peeta.

"Katniss, please talk to me. I was just kidding." Psssh! How many times is he going to play with my needs.

"Just open the door. It's not that serious" Aurora was still irritated.

"How can you be okay with this. He's playing with your needs too." I shot at her.

"I'm not that's why I'm telling you to open the door. Let's solve the problem." Ughhh! She knows it will be hard to avoid him so I should stop over reacting. I reach up and open the door. Their he stands with a face showing no emotion. His arms are crossed. How can he not see how much my body is calling for him. I'm sure he can as I squirm uncomfortable under his burning gaze. He sighs walking up and towering over me. I look anywhere but him. Goosebumps prickled my entire body as he reached up and ran his finger over my bottom lip. I have to admit I loved the dominant position he had over me. Peeta wretched my chin up, eyes burning with a lustful smolder.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. What is wrong with me. I have to stand my ground and don't let him guilt me into forgiving him. But how could I. He was so special to me. This fucked up boy. He was mine.

I nodded breathless already. I didn't want to play games. I wanted him to love me. And he did.

Peeta kissed me sending my body flying into the wall. He was so aggressive. I liked it. I wrapped my legs around him and he just pushed up against me harder. I let my eagerness get the best of me and started tearing his shirt off. I let my hands slide down his stern musclar abs earning a moan from him. I felt the back of my shirt lift but i didn't want to separate our lips so i tore it off.

I know I have issues. I always have but with Peeta, one touch and it all goes away. It's like ... I don't know. I can't explain it. I can only feel it. What we have is something pretty special. Peeta is my everything. My soul mate.

I wish my father could have met him. He would have been proud.

The only thing right now was us. Me and him. The way his lips moved with mine. The way our bodies touched.

I was so involved in the kiss, I didn't even realize I was laying on the bed naked and Peeta hovering over me. He kissed my forehead before slamming into me. The feel of the rhythm he was going. It was tempting but I wanted to hold on as long as I could. I felt my insides quicken as he picked up the pace.

"Harder." I growled into his shoulder. He was smashing into my body so fast that the pleasure it gave me was excruciatingly delightful. My legs started to quiver as I found my release. Peeta let go right after me. He pulled me up laying my head on his chest. He rubbed my hair softly and kissed me gently.

"I love you..so much," was the last thing I heard before I let slumber take over.

Three weeks past and me and Peeta was growing more and more attached to each other. I have been craving Peeta a lot more and also food. Yes, I have been eating way more than I should and it feels weird. Something else happened to me that you wouldn't believe. I P'd for the first time the other day. It was weird but Peeta said that's what hybrids do. I couldn't believe how much my body was changing. I felt horny almost all the time and my breast were swelling. I guess that's good because Peeta enjoys them. Even though he didn't admit it, I caught him looking at them a couple of times.

I threw up twice and it just felt like the things I ate wanting to escape my stomach. I ran to my bathroom and used the toilet. This was all very new to me. I never used a toilet. When i was human we had to P in a dirt hole since we were so poor. I was use to it though.

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