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A couple of days past since the party. We were now in a meeting with four Alpha's from other pacts discussing rogue stuff. I was seated in one of the comfy pillow chairs at the end of the long table in Peeta's office.

"The rogues are heading north, Alpha King, to the Blue River pact."

I let my thoughts drift as I started to think about the twins. They were due any day now so we were patiently waiting. These two months weren't even hard.

Peeta and I were discussing what colors to make their rooms last night and I couldn't decide. I wanted yellow for the girl and maybe a blue for the boy but Peeta said girls should have pink since she will be his little princess.

"You don't have to use pink." I spoke randomly cutting Peeta short of his sentence. Peeta frowned at the interruption. They all turned to look at me, confusion written on their faces.

"What?" Peeta said tilting his head to the side in that cute way he does when he doesn't understand something.

"For Peyton."

"Right, I'll get a different color. As I was saying we can send more worriers there to make them feel safe." I nodded sheepishly and took a sip of water in an attempt to avert the attention from myself before rubbing my stomach with a small smile on my face.

"You could always buy yellow things, you know," I spoke up, unaware that I accidentally interrupted the meeting yet again.

Peeta looked up, a frown of confusion engraved onto his forehead. "For what?"

I frowned. "The baby!"

Peeta's frown increased. "Okay, I'll buy them yellow things when this very important meeting is over." The tone in his voice was final, and another warning look was given from him.

"Sorry." I whispered.

"But they already have fifty." The guy with the long beard and red hair said.

"Right and there probably isn't that many rogues coming to attack them." The guy with the jet black hair said.

"I don't care. They need as many as they can get. You do as I say." Peeta pointed out in a stone cold voice, narrowing his eyes at the Alpha.

"You tell him." I nodded, frowning angrily at the Alpha myself.

"Katniss. Last chance." Peeta growled, almost losing his temper completely. I pouted but was quiet.

Then I felt it happen. It wasn't painful – it felt more like a popping sensation throughout my body, before the comfy material of the chair began to soak up all the water that was currently running down my leg.

"Shit." I muttered before looking up at Peeta helplessly.

"Katniss. What now?" he snapped, glaring down at me in complete rage. His glare instantly transfigured into a look of panic once I nodded in his direction and my hand flew to my stomach.

"Its time."


"Yes really!" Peeta threw the papers up and his face turned into a look of happiness.

"I'm going to be a father!" Peeta yelled. I groaned as the pain shot through my stomach and glared at Peeta.

"Oh shit. What the hell? Why is it happening so fast? How fucking eager are these kids to see the light of the world?! IT'S NOT THAT GREAT, STAY IN YOUR MOTHER!" Peeta yelled at my stomach.

"Oh my God, Peeta! Get me to a hospital and stop talking!" I snapped, trying to lift myself off the now soaking chair.

"Why haven't you done anyone yet?!" I screeched, just as another contraction tore through my lower stomach region like a ripple effect making me growl out my frustration.

Peeta looked around the room again, hurriedly nodding to himself. "Oh shit, right, um, here! Hold this!" A thin black inked pen was suddenly shoved into my grasp, before Peeta froze in front of me and realised what he had just done. "...Break it. Maybe it'll make you feel better?"

I started laughing hysterically – partly because of the fact that Peeta had given me a pen in his moment of panic and partly because I was feeling another contraction coming along soon and was not ready to experience the pain again.

Peeta picked me up bridal style. He didn't seem to mind the fact that my pants was soaked with water, or the fact that my weight was currently equivalent to that of a blue whale. I couldn't help but cry at the thought of just holding my babies.

"KATNISS! CALM DOWN! Your making everything harder than it is because your so fucking fat. Well not you but the babies. Maybe it is you. I dont know." Peeta shrugged before pushing open the door to the pack hospital. He layed me on the hospital bed and we waited for the doctor to get here.


"GET THEM OUT NOW!" I roared. The pain was unbearable. I could see blue and black spots pipping in and out of my vision. The doctor fell back from the impact of my voice but quickly stood at the command and rushed back again checking to see if I was ready to push.

"We need you to remain calm so they can come out properly, Luna." The doctor quickly rushed out, I'm assuming to get more nurses.

"Will someone please get these little shits out of me." I whimpered.

"Now Katniss, I will not let you say things like that about my creations." I couldn't help but cry.

Why is he scolding me? I'm in pain. I'm the one in labor. Not him!

The doctor came back and Johanna and Annie were following behind him.

"Your ready to push, Luna. On three, push as hard as you can."

Not wasting a second, I pushed as hard as I could screaming at the tearing pain that struck through me.

"He's almost out just a couple of more pushes!"

Man these kids sure do have big heads.

Must get it from Peeta.

"Now let's get the girl. On three push. One ..two..three!" High-pitched cries suddenly came from the other end of my bed, he smiled down at them, before looking up at the both of us. "Congratulations."

And suddenly, any pain that I was experiencing temporarily faded from my body as The doctor wrapped my newly born babies in a blankets and handed them over to me.

They're here!

My babies are here.

"Okay smile for the camera," I looked up seeing Annie holding a camera and beaming at us. "On the count of three say 'Royal family'!"

The rest of the day was filled of family and friends surrounding us in the hospital room, congratulating us.

They were so beautiful. So peaceful. They were my children.

Later that night I laid in the hospital bed already healing quicker than I'd expected. Peeta lay right next to me rubbing small circles on my waist.

"You did it. I'm so proud of you. Everything about you is perfect and I wouldn't change anything." He kissed my cheek and tightened is arms around me.

"I love you." He whispered

"Love you more."


Super sorry for the long update. I've been working on my other book and also i have school so thats a bummer. I'll try to update another chapter by Christmas. If not then something probably came up but thank you guys for being patient.

Comment and Vote. Love you guys


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