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Everyone decided to stay in the house since we were up so late plotting ways to talk to Pentouri first before we think about attacking.

I was currently in the pool room with Johanna, Annie, and Clove talking about what we do to spice it up with our mates.

I need new friends.

"Well with Thresh, it's like instant, you know. He knows what I like and what I need so yes we do use toys and stuff but that's extra." Johanna said.

"Finnick said he would see if Cato would change me because the other day, I told him I wanted a family. I love kids and I can wait for my God children to be born." Annie gushed hugging my bloated belly. Yes, I want Annie, Johanna, Clove and their mates to be the God parents. They are my family now and I love them.

"Well, we all know how it is with Peeta and Katniss," I laughed and Johanna pointed to my belly. "How does it work with them in the way?"

"Well it's really not that hard, I mean yes it gets annoying but we just use other positions." They nodded in understanding.

"So when they get here, is it going to be put on hold or..."

"No, we talked about it. The babies are going to be walking in about two months so it wont be that hard to still have time to ourselves. Plus I know they wont be the only ones. I give it five months before you see another little Peeta walking around." I giggled to myself as a image of little blonde and brown haired toddlers with blue and silver eyes running around the house.

"How many do you want exackly?" Clove asked curious.

"Well I haven't thought of that. I know that when I hold them for the first time, I'm going to want more. So I guess time will tell. We are on this earth for eternity so I can basically have as many as I want." They nodded agreeing.

I don't really know how this whole thing works with the kids. I haven't talked to Delly's mother about it. Maybe after a certain time it will stop.

"Johanna have you ever considered having kids and becoming a hybrib?" Johanna frowned.

"I have... but I haven't told Thresh. I don't want to push him into anything. We've been together for 3 centuries. I cant lose him. If he doesn't say anything about it then I'll wait."

"I'll turn for you." We all looked up to see Thresh walking in sitting next to Johanna. "If that's what you want, I'll do it." She smiled at him. He looks at her the same way Peeta looks at me.

Suddenly I felt something sharp strike through and I knew something was wrong with Peeta. In seconds I was on my feet wobbling as fast as I can to get to him. When I turned the corner, I froze. Finnick and Cato were trying to calm down a very angry Peeta. His eyes were glowing red and I could feel the anger radiating off of him.

I looked around to see what set him off, only to see Theo smirking. I don't know what came over me but something in me rose and I could feel my hair flaming and the rage rising inside me. I stormed over to him, the room shaking with each step. Theo looked at me and paled. I could clearly see the panic in his eyes.

One thing you do is never upset a very-powerful very-pregnant hybrid.

I snarled dangerously at him before grabbing his neck and lifting him in the air.

"Now your going to tell me what the fuck you did to my mate or I snap your neck." His face already beginning to turn purple as he clawed at my hands trying to pry my fingers away.

"I-I-ppllee-aseee llet mme go." That only made me tighten my grip.

I just don't see how stupid you could be to even attempt to piss off Peeta. Stupid Alpha.

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