Ch.1: Après Moi, Le Déluge

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It was a beautiful day, as Klaus Mikaelson drove back into the city he loved so much, a newly turned hybrid Katherine Pierce in the passenger's seat. Previously, she'd been dying of old age after getting the cure shoved down her throat. Although she hadn't been able to digest vampire blood, she'd been able to digest his. Possibly due to him being an Original hybrid. Maybe all she needed all this time was hybrid blood or Original hybrid blood. Who knew. That didn't matter though now, since he'd turned her to save her life. He may have searched for her for 500 years, but with them being so much alike, he hadn't wanted her to have to die like that. He knew he'd been testing the waters as some might say, but he hadn't cared. He knew there had to be always a loophole.

The newly turned hybrid hadn't really wanted to come to New Orleans with him, but she knew better than to undermine the almighty Original hybrid. Plus, after what she'd gone through on her deathbed, she'd just wanted the hell out of Mystic Falls. Away from everyone that hated her. Well, most that hated her, anyway. There was still one person in New Orleans that hated her, and she knew there were only two witches currently that still cared about her well-being. One of them of which, that had helped aid Klaus in saving her life. He'd explained to her that Davina had been the one to reverse the aging so that he could do what he had. Katherine had known Davina before The Harvest had been stopped a long time ago, so it wasn't surprising to her that Davina would do anything to save her life. She always felt that she and Davina had a bond, but she'd had to leave a long time ago to avoid Marcel's punishment for killing vampires.

Katherine sat up in her seat, having been sleeping on the way, to see they were heading for the compound. She and Klaus hadn't exactly spoken, so she hadn't told him anything.

"I assume you won everything back from Marcel?" she inquired of him, needing to make sure Marcel wasn't in charge anymore.

"Yes, of course. Did you doubt that I would?" he simply replied, and looked at her with a smile.

"Before we get to the compound, you need to know that Marcel won't be happy to see me. I was here after your father. I helped him rebuild, but the rules with the witches, I didn't much like. I killed a few of his vampires to prove a point. I'm sure you're well-aware his punishment for that. I know I'm a hybrid now, but that won't keep him from wanting his payback," she informed him.

"You fled, before he could punish you," he assumed, getting the hint. "I'll see what I can do, but right now, we have bigger problems than Marcel's petty revenge against you. We need all the help we can get right now. That power inside Davina, according to that Deveraux witch, is killing her. She believes we need to complete The Harvest."

He parked in front of the compound and she got out.

"Where's Davina?"

"Upstairs," he informed her.

"I know you probably don't like her, but don't under any circumstances kill Sophie, alright? I'll be down in a little bit, but right now, you guys aren't the best for helping Davina through this."

"And you are?" he inquired of her.

"Look, I was in town when Marcel saved her from The Harvest. He just prolonged what was supposed to happen with The Harvest. Davina and I had a bond when I was last here. That's probably why she agreed to help save me in the first place. If anyone can calm her down, it's me."

"Have at it, then," he replied.

Remembering how to from when she'd been a vampire, before she'd gotten the cure shoved down her throat, she blurred upstairs. Then, following the familiar scent she knew so well, she opened the door to the room Davina was staying in. That's when she saw Davina appearing to have been sedated and Marcel there, pacing a little bit by her bed.

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