Ch.12: The Take Down

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After everything that had gone down with Aurora, everything had been quiet. Until they all found out that enemies were coming to New Orleans for vengeance. Since it wasn't all of their enemies though, Kol didn't seem to be too concerned, unless his siblings or Katherine were in immediate danger. Instead, he spent his time with Davina in the church attic. It was the only place they could be now that offered any privacy. Klaus, however, was becoming a little paranoid over enemies, knowing that they wanted vengeance, and if they knew about the White Oak stake, they could kill him. Kat was a little worried, but not too much. She still had people that would protect her if possible. After all, Sophie and Davina were both still around, and she still had allies, as well as what was left of the wolves in the Bayou, despite having not visited them for a while.

Kat was currently scouting the Quarter out for any enemies, having been filled in on Klaus' enemies. At least a few of them that he'd shared with her of what they were, as well as what they were capable of. After all, they were in this together. If he died, she would as well. Along with some selective people she herself cared for. And one person that she knew he still cared about.

Suddenly, she saw a very familiar someone in the distance, and gave a growl. Finally, after all this time, she'd get what she needed.

A moment later, she tossed him into a building that looked abandoned inside, before walking inside, letting her hybrid face show, and her eyes glow. She was a master at using her anger on those that deserved it.

"Hello, Tyler."

"Katherine," he said, but looked shocked at seeing that she was a hybrid.

"I can see you're caught off guard. Remember how I was dying as a human? Klaus saved my life, before I died. Then brought me here. Then I found out not too long after that, what you did to Nadia," she explained. "Once I finally told them what I heard that made me be so out of character, he promised I'd get my revenge. Looks like, the time for that has finally landed in my lap."

He stepped back a few steps.

"I'm sorry, Katherine. I was protecting Caroline. She attacked her. I didn't even know what I did until later," he apologized. "It was an accident," he assured her.

"That's not much of an excuse. You know what it feels like to have your mother killed. Imagine that ten times worst as a mother, whether I got to raise her or not. You ruined the one good thing I had. I made sure that you triggered the werewolf, and Klaus saved you from ever turning again, only for you to repay me by biting her. I'm assuming with our predicament that you came here for Klaus, but you know what? You're not going to get the chance. It's you and me now," she replied.

Eventually, they fought, but Kat ended up the winner, having ripped out his heart. For now, this would satisfy her, knowing killing to get justice for her wouldn't give her satisfaction for long. She knew it, since she'd gotten vengeance in the past. She just hoped Caroline would eventually forgive her for this. But she'd rather her hate her than Klaus, any day. She hoped if Nadia was watching her, her spirit didn't hate her for doing this. Kat didn't like always killing, but this she felt she deserved.

After a while, she returned to the compound, where Klaus had recently returned after killing a vampire enemy. Cortez.

"I see you had as much fun as I," Klaus commented.

"Tyler was here, so I took the chance for my vengeance. I didn't see anyone else in the Quarter," she informed him, walking over to where he and the others stood. Freya had recently done a spell that would show where all of their enemies were. They all now were looking at the map. It showed that more and more were coming. "It seems like war is upon us. I say we take the fight to them as they arrive. Pick them off one by one. And I'll have a chat with Ansel. See if your father is willing to spare the lives of some wolves to help protect you," she added, as she looked at the map, and then looked at Klaus.

"Leave my father out of this, and the wolves. We are all that we need," he told her. This was the fight for Originals and vampires. Not wolves.

"Very well then. I won't have him interfere," she replied, not wanting to overstep. "I know you're not a fan of New Orleans witches, but I'll have Davina and Sophie do what they can to help us. Your enemies are mine now, and neither of them will stand by and let anything happen to me."

"Very well. That, I'll allow," he agreed.

"I left Tyler's remains where I killed him. There are some people that still cared I'm sure, so one of us will need to take him back home. You and I need to remain here, and everyone there hates Kol," she replied and reminded Klaus. She then looked at the younger sister. "I doubt your own enemies would be after you, and we won't need you I'm sure, in the next few days. How about you go on a trip to Mystic Falls, but try not to stay long?"

Rebekah gave a sigh. She didn't like leaving to run an errand for Katherine, but she was right. This was one person that had people that still cared, and she assumed like Katherine, they'd probably want to bury him, as if he hadn't betrayed anyone. As if he deserved it.

"Of course. I'll run your little errand, and be back as soon as I can to help you deal with our centuries of enemies, plotting our possibly impending death," Bex replied to her.

"Great. We'll hold the fort. Figure out how to intercept them, before they start accumulating in one area," Kat replied.

While Rebekah was out of town, they did just that. They thought of a plan to take them out, and eventually succeeded with ending any of their enemies that even attempted to step foot in New Orleans. Davina, Sophie, and Kol even helped aid them.  

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