Ch.6: Battle of New Orleans

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It was daytime, when they noticed that Jackson and Oliver were both missing. With Kat having ripped out Marcel's heart though, it couldn't have been him, so they decided to figure out who had taken them. Or, at the very least, where they were. Kat eventually found the dock they were at, but too late. And she knew who it had been, as he stood there.

"You're starting to get easier to track down. Your friends. They were supposed to be leverage, but I lost my control. Sorry, not sorry."

"You should pick your words very carefully right now, Adrian," she warned her vampire enemy from 1820, when she'd first turned him. She hadn't really been friends with Oliver, but Jackson was another story. He would've risked his life for hers, or even for a stranger's life. He'd been a better person than her most days. She was torn between her anger for what Adrian had done and her grief for Jackson. Maybe if she'd been more present in the Bayou...

Before she could decide which emotion she was going to let control her today, he had her against a wall, a piece of wood stabbed into her lower stomach.

"I'm a hybrid now, Adrian. You'll have to do better than a stake in the stomach."

He pulled the stake out after he'd twisted it around in her, before tossing her to the floor easily.

"Oh, I'm well-aware of what you are now. Which is why that stake has the combination of wolfsbane and vervain. You might be able to fight the vervain off, but you and I both know how deadly wolfsbane is to a werewolf. Never tried it on a hybrid before. I wonder if it'll kill you, or just make you go through the symptoms."

"Go to hell," Kat replied to him, since there wasn't much she could do to him now. She wished she would've just killed him a long time ago. Or the moment she'd seen that he'd killed a friend of hers. She could already feel the burning from it, and was feeling weak from the vervain. With everything going on, she hadn't thought to take up her vampire habit of sipping vervain, so now vervain to her was what it would be like to a baby vampire.

She was seated on the ground on her knees, feeling weak from the symptoms, unsure if the wolfsbane could kill a hybrid that wasn't an Original, as she continued trying to contain her emotional control.

"Why don't you just kill me? You were never one to prolong killing anyone."

"I searched for you for a long time. The least I can do is enjoy it while it lasts." After all, he knew an Original or two could show up anytime during his fun. "After what you did to those I cared about in my human life, you deserve a slow death."

"I'm sorry. What I did was cruel, but I didn't have the need to care anymore. Now, I do, and there are things I regret that I can't take back. All I can do is apologize," she replied.

"I don't want an apology from you. Not anymore. Killing you is all I need. You should understand the need for revenge more than anyone."

"I do, but I've changed since we saw each other last. I've learned that vengeance doesn't get you anywhere," she replied.

Eventually, Klaus found where they were and, without question or hesitation, blurred behind the vampire.

"Thus ends your tedious life," he said, as he ripped his heart out from behind. For his sort of family tree, but mostly for Katerina. Nobody got away with hurting or trying to kill Katerina, and she didn't look well.

"Katerina," the Original hybrid said, once he was knelt behind her.

"Klaus," she said softly, leaning against him, as everything began to go gray.

When his newfound love leaned against him, he felt the heat from her, even without touching her, and could feel her weakness. There was only one thing as a hybrid that could make her burn up. Wolfsbane couldn't kill him, since he was an Original. Katerina, however...

"Stay with me, sweetheart," he called, as he pulled her gently into his arms, before getting to his feet. They needed Eve for the cure.

Katherine lay in Klaus' bed, burning up his worst than a vampire bitten by a werewolf. She hadn't woken up. Elijah was in the Bayou, while Klaus babysat Eve that was getting the cure created. While they did that, Rebekah was seated on her bedside, playing nurse. She wasn't her biggest fan, but she was literally the only Original with any medical knowledge. And so, Rebekah was stuck being the one trying to cool her down.

Once Eve had created the cure, Klaus cured his newbie hybrid. Then she went to the Bayou to be a part of the werewolf funeral for Oliver and Jackson. She knew after what her enemy had done, they'd need some kind of alpha or leadership. Even if it was just guidance. She needed to be there though, since Jackson had been her friend. She couldn't abandon the wolves now.

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