Ch.2: Resurrection

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It had been a few weeks since Davina's sacrifice, in order to finish The Harvest. Now, Davina had finally risen, but scared of the ancestors' rage, because of all the times she'd aided vampires. Kat and Rebekah had been able to help her through it, though. Elijah had found a way to forgive Kat finally, and Kat and Klaus had started to get close enough to each other to be friends with benefits, having finally set aside their hatred for each other. The real question was now why Davina had been the only one to come back from the dead. Kat had her suspicions, as to what had happened, but she needed to have a walk through the Quarter to see first if anyone had come back from the dead. If they had, what she'd do depended on whether or not they were friend or foe. Or something in between. When Kat was curious about something, she usually didn't drop it until she got to the bottom of it.

After a while of walking through the Quarter, she stopped in her tracks, smelling an all-too-familiar scent of someone she'd had a few flings with off and on throughout the centuries, unknown to the rest of them. Then, a moment later, she heard him not far behind her.

"You're as gorgeous as ever."

She gave a smile, before turning around to see him leaning against a rock wall, not far from an alley.

"And you're as flirtatious as ever."

"Don't disappoint me and say you don't like that about me anymore, darlin'."

She approached him, standing in front of him.

"Oh, I still love that about you, but things are different now. Not that I'm not happy to see that you're alive, but the question is how? Vampire or not, did you steal some of that magic to come back? Because only one Harvest girl came back, and my curiosity is peaked."

"Well, you know what they say. Curiosity killed the cat," he replied to her.

She sighed, before going and pinning him against the wall.

"Usually, I enjoy this fun, but not when we're in this kind of situation. No jokes. Just answer me this. Are you the only one that came back?"

"You're stronger than I remember, darlin'," he commented.

"That's because your brother saved my life by turning me into a hybrid. I'm still learning how to control some aspects of that. Come on, Kol. I don't want to let Klaus deal with you. You know how this will look to him," she informed him and then threatened.

"Alright, fine. I just saw the opportunity to come back. You know how much I hate being dead. I don't know how many more did the same, but as far as I know, it's just me."

"Now, was that so hard, Kol?" she replied, before letting him go.

"You're still gonna make me show my face, aren't you?" he assumed, having gotten to know her well enough with their flings in the past to know when she wasn't going to let something go.

"I'm sorry, but I have to. If Klaus finds out that I just let you go on your merry way, he'll seek answers his way. Be lucky I'm the one you ran across."

She grabbed his arm, heading back to the compound with him.

When she entered the compound, she let him go, pushing him to the ground in the courtyard. Then she saw Klaus appear a distance away, as Kol got to his feet.

"So, the black sheep returns," Klaus commented to his newly resurrected brother with a smile.

"What do you want to do with him? He admitted to using the opportunity of only one coming back to come back to life. He doesn't know anything else. I already interrogated him."

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