Ch.9: The Rescue

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It was a beautiful day, as Klaus walked through the Bayou, every once in a while, stopping to slaughter some compelled wolves. Mikael had compelled them, forcing them to attack. Thankfully, Katerina wasn't with him. After what had happened that night at the bar, he'd asked her to, for right now, stay away from Mikael. Klaus wanted to protect her and Elijah. Mikael had nearly killed Elijah, which made Klaus assume he was stronger than he had been the last time Klaus had killed him. There was nothing stopping him from trying to kill Katerina, too. They could look after themselves, but Klaus was being cautious when it came to Mikael being on the loose. Thus, why he was alone, being a one hybrid army. Since he'd known that she'd fight his decision, he'd given her something else to do. Find the witch that had dared to resurrect the vampire that hunted vampires.

After the newbie hybrid had found and killed the enemy witch later that day, she couldn't get a hold of Elijah. She usually didn't concern herself with where he was, but she was now, since Mikael was out there somewhere.

"Katerina," Klaus greeted when she called.

"Have you heard from Elijah? I did what you asked. Now, I can't get a hold of him."

"No, Katerina. I haven't. When you find my brother though, tell him I could use with a hand. Mikael compelled the locals. He's playing games with me."

"I'll come find you. Whatever's happened to Elijah, he can probably hold off until Mikael is found. I don't want you facing him alone. I still remember how powerful he was when I was a vampire. When I woke him, I wasn't sure who he was until I saw him. And let me just say, being fed on by Mikael was quite unpleasant. If you want to face him alone, I'd rather you didn't," she replied and shared with him.

"I'm in the Bayou," he informed her.

That night, he still hadn't found Mikael. Then Kat found him, and they made a pit stop, taking a break at a bar, resulting in a dance and moment together, which ended in them kissing on the dance floor. Then, a few minutes later, they left to find him together. 

Finally, after a while, they found him.

"Hello, boy," Mikael stated. "You seem rather impatient. Are you so eager to meet your end?"

"I'm only eager to stand over your burning corpse again. Only this time, I intend to enjoy it more," Klaus replied.

"I've traveled all the way back from hell for this moment," Mikael replied.

"Well, then, I'd hate to keep you waiting," Klaus replied.

A moment later, they were fighting each other, while Kat stood by, watching, ready to defend him if Klaus needed it. He'd never been a fan of people fighting his battles for him, after all. She was only there for backup.

About fifteen minutes later, the tables turned. Klaus tried keeping Mikael from staking him, as he layed on his back on the ground, but Mikael appeared to be really close to winning.

In a blur, seeing that Klaus was having problems winning, she used her new hybrid abilities. She went behind Mikael, before bringing out her hybrid face. Then she tore into the side of his neck, making him drop the stake in pain. Then she threw him away from Klaus, making him land not far from a nearby tree.

Originals: Always and Forever (Klatherine)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя