Ch.4: An Unblinking Death

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Klaus and Elijah were in the study. It was daytime. They were discussing what Klaus had been doing with the wolves.

"And here, I thought you of all people would understand, I am simply trying to help those wolves. Play Samaritan to the abused, champion to the underdog, so to speak," Klaus said, approaching where Elijah sat.

"How splendidly noble of you."

"Have you ever considered that perhaps, I'm empowering the wolves to ensure they have a fair fight? Or, if needed, have the power to protect and keep Katerina safe?"

"Yes, unless, of course, they decide to seek retribution for decades held in exile," Elijah replied, getting up from the chair. "And then they'll be an uprising. One that will only provoke further violence. You see, you risk turning New Orleans into a war zone, brother. I won't let that happen."

"The drums of war were beating long before we returned. I suggest you use a little less of this." He symbolized talking with a hand. "And a little more of these." He indicated listening with his hands. Then Klaus sat down.

Since Klaus was hellbent on moving forward in helping the wolves, Elijah decided to pay a visit to the Bayou for a chat with Jackson and Oliver, the two that were more keen on the idea Klaus had in store for them.

"You're making a grave mistake," Elijah stated, in a cabin with Jackson and Oliver.

"So, you're just worried about us. Is that it?" Oliver replied.

"Look, Elijah, we know all about your brother's reputation, but if there's even a chance that these rings can help us take control of our curse," Jackson started.

"Our gift," Oliver reminded Jackson.

"Then, honestly, we don't care what he's really after. Won't have to," Jackson told him.

"I see. But there are those in the Quarter who will consider this a great provocation."

"Apparently, most of them see us breathing the same way," Oliver commented.

"You agreed to a pledge, and you looked me in the eye as you did so," he reminded them.

Katherine whom had been watching and leaning against a wooden pillar that help up part of the cabin, decided to intervene.

"None of us want a fight, Elijah. The wolves nor myself. They just want a better life."

"Allegiance with my brother will guarantee anything but that," Elijah told her.

"Look, you may not want to hear this, but I agree with what he's planning. You may be at a crossroads with Klaus, but that doesn't mean everyone else is. You may be worrying about an uprising with wolves, but I'm not. I can ensure that at least the Crescent wolves won't think of an uprising. Jackson here wouldn't go up against Klaus, nor would he do anything to jeopardize my relationship with any Originals. Maybe if I wasn't in the picture, things would be different, but I am. And I see where this is going. I've known you too long. This is about keeping me safe in case a time comes that you can't. You don't have to worry. It's not like I'm actually living here."

Before anyone could say anything else, a noise was heard from outside.

Kat looked at Elijah for a moment, before they all followed Jackson outside. Then they were met with so much going off, but weren't sure yet what was in them that were going off. Then they too got thrown and hit.

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