Ch.13: Saving Them

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It had been five years since they'd taken out the enemies that had come to New Orleans. Everything had been great, since then. Rebekah had said her good-byes and left the city to find better things, while the rest of them stayed. Kat and Klaus and continued their relationship. Now, three visitors, one familiar to them all, was coming to New Orleans for Klaus' help.

It was a dismal night at the bar, as Sophie tended the bar, as usual. It wasn't closing time yet, so there were still customers. Kat was one of them, seated at the bar, having a drink, but Klaus was elsewhere. Although it had been years since she'd gotten her vengeance, she was still semi-missing her daughter. However, it wasn't so hard now. She'd even fully learned control over being a hybrid over the years.

The blonde vampiress walked into the bar, holding the hands of two little ones.

"Alright, girls. You know what this is? This is the bar. This is the last time you're gonna be in one of these until you're twenty-one," she told the both of them. Then walked over to where the bartender was, but having never been here before, she didn't know who she was.

Sophie saw the three of them.

"You know, they're a little young to be in here."

"Oh, no. We're not staying. We just got here and then I realized I didn't actually know where the person I'm looking for lived," she explained. "Klaus Mikaelson?"

"It depends on who's asking," Sophie replied.

Kat had been listening in, where she was seated at the end of the bar. She then walked over to them.

"It's okay, Sophie. She's more of a friend than an enemy. Besides, after taking all of those enemies of his out five years ago, I doubt anyone else would be stupid enough, if they're smart enough, to come after any of us again," Kat assured Sophie.

"Katherine," Caroline stated, but not as a greeting.

"You should come with me. I'll take you to the compound, where the Originals and myself live. Although, you could've just called any of us first," Kat told her.

Caroline followed her with the girls, and they soon got to the compound.

"I assume this isn't exactly a child friendly visit, so we can leave them with Freya. She's their eldest sister, and a powerful witch, but very trustworthy and loyal. Freya can keep them entertained," Kat suggested.

Eventually, Kat led her upstairs to her and Klaus' room.

"We have a visitor, here to see you, but I assume not to catch up. You want some privacy or...?" Kat told him.

Klaus turned to see who she was talking about, and was surprised to see Sweet Caroline.

"As long as it's okay with Caroline, whatever she has to say, she can say in front of you. No secrets."

He gave a smile at Caroline, and walked over to her.

"I wish this was under better circumstances, but I came here for your help," she informed him. "I didn't want to leave the girls behind, though. Under certain circumstances, I had Ric's girls."

"You're always welcome, as well as your girls, but what is it?" he reminded and questioned her.

"I'm kinda on the run. Stefan got marked by Rayna Cruz, saving Damon," she informed him.

"I'll always protect you. You know that. And they'll always be a place here if you need it," he assured her.

"Thank you."

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