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We went into my room and had the 3 letter word.
We kissed and loved it. He panted out,"Can you be my girlfriend?I mean im single."
I huffed out,"Yeah."
Then we continued kissing it wasnt just sweet and slow. It went rough and I actually loved it. We panted it was raw.
We stopped Colleen didnt come I guess she stayed at Josh's.
We woke up in the morning. And I croaked out "Morning boyfriend,"
He said,"Morning girlfriend."
I was in love with him. We changed and went to the café. We held hands and fans scream,"KARLENE I SHIP THEM AWWW,"
We held hands and smiled at each other. Cameron passed by with a disappointed look on his face. Kian went up to him and i tried to stop him but he let go. He went up to him and said in an angry voice,"Bro you hurt her f*****feelings and why did you hurt my girl!"
I ran up to Kian and Cameron said," Your girl?"
He looked at me and I looked away. I said,"Kian let me handle this....Cameron you broke my heart and I at least moved on Kian was there and now I can be happy for once. Dont talk to me anymore?"
He tried to say something I ignored it.

We head to the stadium where we have our 1 hour meet and greet.
I never saw how much people came to support me. Kian and I met up to have lunch. I saw Cameron I walked up to him and said,"I forgive you for whtaever you did we can still be friends,"
He smiled and I waved back to him. I went to Kian and said,"I had to."
He understood.
He gave me a kiss I smiled.
We went out to Subway and went to healthy way.
We went out for a jog then to the gym with Jc. We worked out, had a sweat,and water.
We cooled down at their room. We talked and watched a movie. We had a couple movie night Lia and Jc, Kian and I. We watched Annabelle. It scared the poop out me. I walked back to my room. Then someone pushed me to the wall. It was Cameron he blubbered out,"I have been crazy and need you back my ex- is driving me crazy. I love you so much . Please come back."
He kissed me hard. I didnt want it. I pushed back and he came back for more. I ran to my room. And I screamed. Kian, Lia,and Jc

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