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Cameron stormed out and I ran to him. He shouted,"Why did you do it,huh?"
I replied,"Well Im not the one who avoided you or told Kian to tell you to end it, and me telling Nash T0that I was out with another!"
"Really, Nash kept me company and well we had slept together it was only one time, especially when someone punches me in the face and you dont come to visit! How do you think I feel!!!"
I rapidly walked to my apartment and slammed the door. He knocked and I opened it. I let him come in, I took a shower, put my makeup on. And went downstairs he went up to me and said " Im sorry for everything," I told him,"It will take so some Mr.Dallas,"
I sat down at the couch and we watched T.V.
Plus, I was planning to leave so Ican get food but apparently I forgot my keys at Cams apartment. So I got up and knocked on the door. Nash opened it and I asked,"Can I get my keys?"
"Yeah sure," I grabbed my keys and as I turned around and walked out. Wow that was easy!
I went to my car with Cameron and drove to Chipotle. We hot our food and Cameron said,"Do you still forgive me?"
I gave no response. I just kept driving thinking of weird thoughts.
Later on that night we ate dinner, no talking perfect awkward silence. So I was thinking night swimming in the pool. Nice!
I told Cameron,"Im going to swim okay,"
He replied,"Okay," As I change I looked for my royal blue bikini.
I jumped into a bikini and went downstairs. Cam was ready and said,"Lets go,"
He looked hot when he's topless. I nodded and ran to the pool and jumped in. Freestyle!
Cam jumped and he landed by me. Oh how I missed him.
Cameron and I laughed and as it dialed down we looked at each other. Silence was there for a while. And he said,"I never been so happy while im with you,"
I replied,"Same too you,"

Just Imagine *Cameron Dallas Fanfiction*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora