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My headached so much, I looked up and down I was in a different room. A lot of doctors were in my room. They all sighed and I thought to my self did I almost die.
Later on, I had to stay another week and no Cameron. Damn it.
My parents cried and my cousins were there too. They smiled and I asked if i can have water. That took the pain away.
Days passed and I got to my apartment, they gave me a prescription too take everyday and to come back in 3 weeks.
I took a shower and lately Cameron has been avoiding me ever since the incident. Back home and sitting by the pool looking at the sunset. And Kian keeps on texting me which I ignore.
This reminds me of the day at the pier. So I texted my Bffs to come with me to Santa Monica we had so much fun. At least I vlogged hehehe. Then I met up with Kian whyy! He pulled me aside,"Hey umm Cameron told me to tell you that he cant bear it anymore to see you gey hurt. And that he called the ambulance plus he

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