Santa Monica and Summer

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We arrived to L.A at 12. So, I drove to my apartment and relaxed. I studied for my exam and went to school. Because if I ace this test I'll be on summer.
As I headed to UCLA, I saw Cameron. I wanted to barf and I ignored him. I finished my exam and had hope. As, class ended Nash and Cameron catched up with me. I was rushing for 2 things. I was meeting up with my friends Abi, Sabrina, and Celeste at Starbucks and trying to get away from both of them.
Nash shouted,"Why are you ignoring us?!"
"Because of him you idiot!" I cried out as I choke up.
Nash stopped and looked at Cameron. He looked down.
I kept on walking.
They just stood there and talked.
When I got in my car, I headed to Starbucks.
Abi, Sabrina,, and Celeste were there and I put my makeup on ,and looked fresh.
They all said,"Hey!"
I smiled happily.
i got in line and asked for a Vanilla Bean Frappacinos with caramel sauce.
Sabrina asked me,"Do you have a boyfriend?"
I nodded yes and replied,"Kian Lawley,"
They all gasped. They were totally fan girlling.
They were saying "When can we meet him?"
I was in awe.
I told them to calm down. Until I saw Cameron and Nash.
I said to myself "Oh frick!"
I told them lets go. But Nash stopped me and my girls.

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