Santa Monica and Summer

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We ate, took pics, and I texted my friends,"Its Cameron Dallas #boyfriend,"
The texted me rapidly quick.
Once it was sunset, we went on the ferris wheel. Such a beautiful sight. Cameron looked at me and I looked back. He said,"You're just so beautiful." I pulled back my hair and replied,"And you're handsome which I am proud to call you my boyfriend,"
We kissed and we stopped at the top which a lined the sunset shine. He is such a good kisser. Wow! We got off and I saw Jc,Kian,and Lia. Kian looked hurt but with that girl . Slut #2
I smirked at him. I made a right choice to be with Cameron. When we walked to the end of the pier we just stayed quiet until I heard screaming. A group of girls ran to me and Cameron, then one girl came a had her hand formed as a fist. She yelled,"HE'S MINE!!!!" She punched me so hard, I blacked out.

I woke up it was blurry. I heard beeping but I went back to sleep. The second time I opened my eyes my parents were there. I croaked,"Mommy, Daddy?" They started to shed tears. "Yes, baby......."
I looked around no Cameron. I sighed and tried to get up but, my whole entire body hurt. "Mommy, what happened?" She said,"You were punched, kicked,and pulled by the hair," She sobbed,"You have to stay home okay, my orders, you will be here for 1 week."
Then we heard a knock on the door. The doctor came in and said,"I see your awake, okay. Lets see ummm...... you will be staying here for a week, we'll take tests on you, and you have a black eye, bruises, cuts, and head trauma."
I just had no words, so asked a question,"Umm will we be paying for my health insurance?"
He chuckled,"Not you nor your family. Those girls are paying and going to court,"
Each day passed and no Cameron. Everybody visited especially Kian which thay what my friend said and that he wants me back. Well but then on Tuesday which was 2 days after my accident. Anxiety attack.
I started having deep breaths but one afternoon, I started huffing and puffing. Trying to find air, oxygen, anything. I freaked out and screamed, because of that my pulse went down. The doctors rushed in and took me to the E.R. They rushed to the E.R and gave

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