Time to work

17 3 14

Pervious part ~~

But main task was infont of him next day when he had to go office and can't even bring her along. He was so worried what to do..


He wake up early and get ready and clean up the house and fresh up his daughter too but all the time he was wondering what should he do.. As a manager he can't avoid his job and he didn't wanted to leave it too.

He was out of milk so he ordered it from CVS and that's when he remembered that the cashier could help him also. But he didn't wanted to leave his baby with someone else and unfortunately he didn't have any other options.

So he called that lady as he had her number and ask for her help and she agreed also. She told him that she will carry her in carrier with her and take care of her until he comes back.

Jin prepared stuff which she needs in a day and went to CVS with baby. He explained everything to girl and he was sounding like he is so worried and not wanting to leave her.. but somehow that girl console him that she will take care of his daughter with her friend.

Jin agreed and left for his job..

~ Time skips to evening ~

He wanted to get free as quick as possible so he can go back to his baby daughter and he also keep calling that girl in every 1-2 hours to ask about his baby.

He complete his work early today and came back to CVS as soon as possible.

Jin's POV ~

I can't wait anymore to see my baby .. I never missed anyone else like I missed her in one day.. as soon as I reached at CVS I quickly walk in and find my baby playing with girls. I run at her and call her softly..  "Appa is back baby.." and as I spoke she immediately started looking around to find me as she found me she show her little hands to me as telling me to carry her and I did.

End of his POV ~

He hugged his daughter and showed kissies on her little face which made her giggle.. Jin thanked the girls to take care of his baby and leave for home after wearing warm clothes to Y/N.

He walk back to home and talked with baby and keep giving small kissies on her face which he use to give it to himself only before being father.

(World Wide Handsome you know)

After arriving at home he had dinner which he made while carrying his baby along. And he after that he fresh up to himself and fresh up baby too..

Now it was playing time so he took her to bed and lay on bed and make his baby sit on his tummy with support of his legs on her back.

Jin's POV ~

As I hold her little hands she grip on my thumb and hold it tightly. And I was talking with her and I also give little massage coz read on internet today that it's good to give light massage and exercise to babies.

I was exercising her hands by folding it to her head and she started giggling which made me chuckle too.

Gosh this feels so peaceful.. hearing cute giggles after having a tiring day feels like free therapy.. I keep singing nursery rhymes which I wrote in my mind.. and she got bored after hearing it and lay on me. I place little kiss on her head and she look up at me. And keep staring at my handsome faceu.. 

"what are you looking at hmm? Are you thinking why my appa is so handsome? If yes then you are thinking obviously right.. your appa is world wide handsome you know? Everyone gets jealous from your appa and ~~" I look down at her and realised that she already fall asleep "wooh you already fall asleep! I wasn't singing lullaby tho.. maybe you don't understand my words yet but one day you will surely realise how handsome your appa is.."  *wink*

End of his POV ~

He again lost in thoughts and his hand Patting on baby's back lightly..

To be continued..

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