Chapter 2

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I wake up to my alarm and get up. I showered and made sure to really make sure to make sure my hair was detangled. I have really curly hair so every knot must be gone. I want my hair to look good for today, hopefully, I get to meet Haiden Deegan. I am a big fan. I've watched him race since he started racing. I also want to meet the Lawrance brother but I would rather meet Haiden. I got dressed in just a plain shirt because I knew I wanted to get a shirt at the merch spots, and some shorts. I made sure to put a generous amount of hair product in my hair so it doesn't frizz. I put on some light makeup like some concealer some mascara and some eyeliner. I grabbed my clear bag because now you have to bring clear bags to events. I put all my important stuff in there like my ID and card because now everything is cashless too. I got in my car and went to the parking which I had bought a couple of weeks prior so it was cheaper and better parking. I parked and walked towards the stadium. I got checked in and made my way towards the merch line. There were already a ton of people buying stuff, walking around while they had the chance. I bought my shift and went straight to the bathroom to change. I put my other shirt in my bag and put on my Haiden Deegan shirt. I started to walk around and head towards the seats to look at the track. This track was beautiful. There was a sand section and I knew someone was going to go down I personally think it's going to be Chase Sexton, but who knows? I walked back out and made my way towards the pit where I could get a free monster and check out all the bikes, and see if I could meet any of the riders. The pit was already packed full of people. I went and got in line to get a monster and of course, the line was long. It went by pretty fast. I grabbed my monster thanked the person who handed it to me and made my way towards Yamaha, which the the brand Haiden rides for. As I was walking I looked at all the other bikes and all the famous people eating and talking with one another. I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped into someone.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." I apologized as my drink was all over me.

"No, I'm sorry your drink is all over you." A female voice exclaimed.

"I wasn't watching where I was going I hope none of my drink got on you." I was picking up the can.

"No, you're ok." She extended her hand to help me get up.

"I'm so sorry again." I looked up and was shocked at who I was looking at.

It was Hailey Deegan. Haiden's sister.

"Oh my God Hailey I am so so sorry. Are you ok?" I was frantic.

"Girl, I promise I am all ok. I should be asking you if your ok." She smiled.

Hailey was beautiful she had straight white teeth and I think they sparkled when she smiled like the toothpaste commercials.

"I'm fine just wet." I smiled awkwardly.

"Hey, you're wearing a Deegan shirt." She pointed at my shirt.

"Yeah, I'm a fan of all of your family." I went to grab my extra shirt out of my bag.

" I totally ruined your shirt, I'm so sorry." She apologized.

"It's okay, at least I can say it was you and that I got to meet you." I smiled.

"True." She smiled.

"It was nice meeting you, do you mind if I get a picture with your really quick if you're not busy." I was scared to ask considering we literally bumped into each other.

"Yes, of course, it's the least I could do." She smiled.

I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and got my camera ready. She moved to the side of me and leaned in. We both smiled and I snapped the picture.

"Thank you, it was really nice meeting you." I smiled.

"It was nice to meet you to, and I'm sorry about your shirt again. If you wanted I could take you to the merch line and get you another one." She asked.

"No, it's ok I have an extra shirt to change into and I can just wash this one." I did not want to spend this woman's money.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yes, I am so sure thank you though." I smiled.

"I hope you enjoy the rest of your day." She smiled and started to walk away.

Wow, Hailey was so nice. I left the pit and went to the bathroom to change again. I really wanted to wear a Deegan shirt so I went back to the merch line and got another and changed again.

After I changed for the 3rd time today I went back to the pits. I walked around a little longer and made my way back to Yamaha. I was more towards the end of the tent looking at Haiden's bike. I wasn't sure if he was going to come out knowing he doesn't come out too often so I went back to the track.

During practices you can sit or stand wherever in the stands so I went more the to front closer to the track to see. Haiden raced with the 250 class and the practice was going to start in about 5 minutes, so I sat and waited.

After a little bit, I could see them all lining up at the gate. I grabbed my phone again so I could maybe get a picture of Haiden riding past me. The gate dropped and they raced sort of they have to make a qualifying time to actually race in the bigger race later on tonight. I watched and looked for Haiden, then I saw him. He was wearing a maroon and white outfit and I thought it was really nice. I always wanted to pick the riders' gear so I could color coordinate and make sure the colors matched the bike and helmets.

Haiden was inching closer to where I was so I pointed my phone to a jump he would hit and as he was in the air I snapped a picture and the picture looked too cool. I didn't watch a lot of the practice because I headed back to the pits so maybe I could meet Haiden on his way back to the tent. I got to the tent and everyone was already there waiting and crowding around. I didn't get a very good spot to see Haiden so I stood off more towards the side opening of the tent. I waited for a while and then I heard the crowd on the other side start shouting.

A/N: Ok hear me out the scenes I have pictured are a lot so I do have to split them up a little so sorry. Also how are you guys liking this story so far? I love reading everyone's comments so please if you have any tips let me know or if you have any ideas that you want to see let me know as well. Lastly all these chapters are not edited the best so if there is a spelling mistake let me know. <3

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