Chapter 5

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Haiden turned back to look at me.

"So this is it. Thank you for everything Haiden I appreciate you and Hailey for everything this I can honestly say this was the best day of my life." I smiled.

"I had a great day with you and I wish we could do this everyday." He placed his hand on my cheek.

"Me to." I smiled.

"So, are you driving home?" He asked.

"Well that's a whole situation itself." I shrugged.

"Why?" He looked concerned.

"Long story short, my mom kicked me out for coming to the race and I'm now living in a hotel for the night then driving home and going back to work." I tried to keep the story short.

"Are you serious?" He looked sad.

I nodded my head in agreement.

"Hold on stay here." He smiled and ran out the trailer.

Today was an amazing day sadly it had to end so soon. Maybe Haiden I and would meet later I life when we are older, but for now hopefully I get a signed poster.

After about five minutes Haiden ran back into the trailer.

"Come on, let's go to your hotel to get your stuff." He was out of breathe.

"Why?" I was very confused.

"Trust me come on." He grabbed my head.

We walked out of the trailer and headed towards my hotel. I walked a little ways in front of Haiden for a while as he pulled out his phone to text someone I think. He then ran and caught back up to me grabbing my hand to hold it. I turned to him smiling and blushing. We walked to my hotel and I opened the door.

"Now why are we grabbing my stuff?" I asked closing the door.

"Well we would only take your stuff with us if you said yes." He smiled.

"Said yes to what exactly?" I was still confused.

"Do you want to come with me and my family on vacation for a while?" He was nervous.

"I would love to but I have a job I can't." I was so sad that I can't go.

"So? Just call your boss and tell him your sick and need a couple weeks off." It was as if he had an answer to any thing that would come in the way.

"Maybe." I grabbed my phone.

I called my boss hoping he would answer at 10 at night. He picked up on the seond ring.

"Hello Madi, what's up?" My boss sounded like he was in a good mood.

"Hey, I'm so sorry but I'm really not feeling well do you think I could have a couple weeks off?" I tried to sound sick.

"Yes, of course take all the time you need and just text me when your ready." He was very understanding.

"Thank you so much." I kept trying to sound sick even though I was really happy.

"Of course have a great night."

"Will do, and you to." I hung up.

"So, what did he say?" Haiden was very eager to hear the answer.

"He said." I paused for a moment

"YES!" I shouted.

Haiden smiled really big and picked me up spinning me around.

I wrapped my legs around his waist to hold myself up with him resting his hands of my back.

"Are you sure you want me to go? We just met." I said looking at him.

"Yes, I am so sure. I know we just met but there's something I feel with you that I have never felt before, it feels natural." He smiled.

I thought the exact same thing all day while I was with Haiden. I smiled at him.

"Let's get going." He laughed and set me down.

He helped me pack everything that I had and checked out with me in the hotel office. Haiden insisted that I only carry my backpack and he would carry the "heavy" stuff. We walked back tot he stadium and loaded everything into his dad's truck.

There was a little after party at the trailer for a while and then we all got in the truck.

"Are you sure that's it's ok if I go with you guys?" I asked his parents from the back seat.

"Yes, of course." His mom smiled at me.

"Thank you." I smiled back at her she was very nice.

I sat on the drivers side letting Haiden have his space.

Haiden laid down resting his head on my lap. I looked down at him and smiled. He smiled back and got comfy curling up into a ball shape. I started playing with his hair running my hands through it. He hair was so soft. I keep running my hands through his hair and I think he fell asleep because when we got to the airport his dad called for him and he woke up with a little jump.

We grabbed everything and went into the airport. Haiden held my hand the entire time so I wouldn't get lost. We waited at the gate and we started to board. I guess Haiden's family purchased a ticket for me online and made sure I was next to Haiden. Dang what rich people can do I thought to myself.

We sat down on the plane and I rested my head on his shoulder. He still held my hand as he lay his head onto mine. We both fell asleep and woke up when we heard the flight attendant start talking. We landed and got off the plane. Haiden still held my hand the entire time and that wasn't an issue for me personally. It was really 2 in the morning when we finally got to the hotel. Haiden's parents had their own room and they me Haiden and his best friend had another room next door. I said I would sleep on the floor but Haiden insisted that he slept on the floor and I could get the bed. I argued with him that he had a long day and deserved the bed. Of course he hand an answer to everything I said and I was to tired to argue back so I finally agreed. I just grabbed a pair of pajama shorts from my stuff and kept Haiden's jersey on to sleep.

We all settled down and laid down. Haiden's best friend was knocked and I checked the time it was 4 in the morning, and I couldn't sleep.

"Haiden." I whispered.

"Yeah." I heard him whisper back.

"Your still awake?" I thought he would be knocked out.

"Yeah, I can't sleep." He sat up.

"Me either. Here come up here and lay with me." I patted the bed.

"Are you sure I don't want to over step your boundaries." He explained.

"Yes, I'm sure." I smiled.

He got up and got in the covers with me.

"Do you want me to put a pillow between us?" He asked.

"No, I don't mind but if you want to you can." I tried to get comfy.

"I'm fine I was just checking for you." He laid down fully.

We laid in bed both of us tossing and turning trying to get comfy.

"Come here." Haiden grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him.

"Lay your head here." He put my head on his chest and I could hear his heart beating fast. He was nervous.

I got comfy and adjusted to my liking wrapping my leg over his and putting my arm around his body.

"Comfy?' I asked.

"Yes very. Are you?" He started rubbing my head.

I just nodded and closed my eyes. Haiden was very warm and a very good pillow. I was about to fall asleep when I heard his voice.

"Sleep tight pretty girl."

I loved hearing his voice. I fell asleep as he continued to rub my head.

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