Chapter 7

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(3 week time skip)

These past 3 weeks have been so much fun and I never wanted this to end but I knew I had to go back to work soon and this would have to end.

"I have to go back to work." I sat next to Haiden on the bed.

"But, I don't want you to." He looked sad.

Haiden and I have gotten so close and I really liked him and I wanted to be with him and I think he wants to be with me to.

"I don't want to either but I have to." I sighed.

"Just quit I can take care of us. You can come with me to all my races when Supercross starts." He grabbed my hands.

"Haiden that's a big commitment." I explained.

"I know, I really like you Madi and I want to be with you." He smiled.

"I want to be with you to Haiden, I just don't want you to regret this decision later. This is a big deal I would be leaving everything. I won't have a job and I can't just get another job if something happens on short notice." I was nervous.

"I can pinky promise you I won't change my mind I can honestly see you in my life forever." He held out his pinky.

"Ok, I believe you." I held out my pinky.

We locked pinkies.

"No going back Mr. Deegan." I smiled.

"Nope." He smiled back looking at my lips.

"So, what does this mean for us?" I asked.

"It all depends on you." He smiled.

"What do you mean by that?" I was a tad bit confused.

"Madi, would you be my girlfriend?" He looked nervous.

My eyes widened. Haiden Deegan was asking ME to be HIS GIRLFRIEND.

"Yes of course, I would love to." I was so happy.

Haiden grabbed my face and pulled me towards him. He brought me closer to his face. He looked at my lips and I looked at his. Slowly are lips met and I was kissing Haiden Deegan. His lips were soft. You could feel the passion and the amount of time that was waited. After a few seconds he pulled away. We looked at each other. His big brown eyes had so much emotion in them I could stare at his eyes forever. He looked at my lips and kissed me again. I really hope this doesn't go badly in the end. I didn't want to worry about that now I just wanted to be in this beautiful moment.

A/N: this is a short chapter so I do apologize but I wanted Haiden and Madi to have their moment together obviously because this is a big thing for them. I hope you all are enjoying this story.

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