The Hell We Live In

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A two month old Angel was laying next to her one year old brother down stairs as their mother was making Angel a bottle. The baby opened her eyes to the best of her abilities to look around.

Harry next to his sister looked at her and laid down next to her so they could have eye contact. He smiled and babbled at his sister as their mother walked in, bottle in hand with a smile on her face.

"You watching over your sister Harry?" She asked with a small chuckle. Harry just smiled at his mother. James walked into the room having just returned from his job. He smiled at his wife and son as they looked up to him.

"Hi, love. Hello to you too, my future quittage player." James said while ruffling Harry's hair and giving Lily a kiss. He then turned his attention to his daughter who had her eyes wide open. He smiled at her and gently picked her up.

"It seems our little silent bug has her eyes open. Hi Angel! How have you been today?" His voice went babyish half way through speaking. Angel started to cry. James, having no clue what he did, looks to his wife in alarm. Lily just smiled at her husband's cluelessness.

"She doesn't like that baby voice. She likes hearing our regular voices." She said softly while taking Angel from James. James just gave Lily a shy smile.

"I will make sure to remember that for next time, love."

Lily walks upstairs with Angel and feeds her before putting her to bed as James and Harry play with a toy broom that Harry's Godfather had gotten him. Lily walked down stairs when there was the sound of the gate opening outside…

(End of dream)

Angel woke up from her dream and opened her eyes groggily. Outsides repidiet knocking on their "bedroom door" can be heard.

"Up! Get up! Both of you!" Yelled their aunt Petunia from the other side.

Angel just grumbled and rolled over to tuck her head into her brother's side. Harry who too was woken up gave his sister a pitied look with his own tired eyes.

"Now!" Came the yell of their aunt as she smacks the door of the closet and walks away.

Harry fully awake, slowly lifting himself so as to not make his sister any more irritated than she was. He reaches over and turns on their bedroom light while putting on his glasses with tape on the bridge. He then turns and gently rubs his sister's back. Angel is still half asleep, just whines at her brother and tries to curl back up. At the same time a large, tubby boy, suddenly comes running down the stairs above the closet, causing the stairs above their heads to creak and groan. He stops half-way down and goes back, jumping on the staircase right above the siblings heads.

"Wake up, cousins! We're going to the zoo!"

Angel finally up looks upwards with a glare as dust falls on her and Harry's bed. She rubs her eyes tiredly and yawns as Harry grabs his clothes and goes to leave from the bathroom to change. Dudley laughs as he comes down the stairs, and runs for the kitchen. Harry, after having gotten the door open tries to come out of the closet to go get changed but is pushed back in by Dudley and lands on his sister who drops her clothes and falls over hitting her head. Angel sits up with tears in her eyes, rubbing her head quickly.

"I hate that boy sometimes," she thought angrily while rubbing her head, "I have next to no pain tolerance this early in the morning."

Harry was quick to jump up and check her for bleeding or other injuries. Upon seeing nothing wrong he gives her a funny looking smile causing her to smile and let out a small chuckle at her brother's antics.

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