I Love My Brother's Friends!

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Angel watched with Harry as their uncle put bars on their bedroom windows. She was told by Harry that the house elf ruined uncle Vernon's dinner. She wanted to be angry at the little elf but couldn't help but pity him and his actions. He believes he was helping them.

"You're never going to that school. You're never going to see those freaky friends of yours again or learn magic! Never!"

But this was supposed to be my first year. I have been so excited, Angel thought sadly as she watched Vernon put the bars in. Harry looked more upset after he turned to see Angel's teary-eyes. Harry looks at Angel with a determined gaze. He promised her she would go this year. He intended on keeping that promise to her no matter what.

Later that evening, as Harry is asleep in bed after exhausting himself trying to find a way to get a letter to someone. Angel however was up reading with an old lamp and petting Winter. She found herself unable to sleep as the disappointment of not being able to go to Hogwarts sat in her heart. Her eyes were watery with tears that she wouldn't let fall. Angel found herself forgiving Dobby even as she was on the verge of tears. Angel freezes reading as she hears what sounds like a car engine outside. She pauses for a few minutes to listen to make sure she wasn't just hearing things. When the noise continued Angel started getting down from her hammock with Winter and her reading supplies. She rushes over to Harry's bed setting down her book and lamp. She then wakes up Harry by gently shaking him.

"Harry get up! There is something outside. It sounds like a car."

A half asleep Harry jumps up putting on his glasses, and rushes to get out of bed, while Angel walks to the window with Winter in her arms. Looking out the window, she sees a strange object moving through the sky.

"What on earth?" Angel whispers to her brother. As she continues to look, the object appears to be a shooting star, before turning into two beams of light. A turquoise Ford Anglia car flies to their bedroom window, then turns to the right as Harry, Angel, Winter, and Hedwig silently watch. In the Ford Anglia is Ron, accompanied by his older twins, Fred and George. Angel only recognized them because of their hair. Angel was freaking out on the inside. Is this what magic can do? I really hope I can learn things like that! What are they doing here? She looked at them in amazement and curiosity.

"Hiya, Harry. Hi to you too! You must be Angel." Ron spoke as the car got closer towards the bars.

"Ron, Fred, George, what are you all doing here?" Angel couldn't help but giggle a bit at her brother. She was just thinking the same thing.

"Rescuing you two, of course. Now, come on. Get your trunk! Angel is there anything you need?" Ron answered with a bit of sass to Harry.

Angel, who was surprised, shied away and hid behind Harry. She wasn't used to talking to new people and got shy when they talked to her directly. It was always just her and Harry talking to each other. She was extremely excited to go to Hogwarts, but at the same time was petrified. She hated talking to people she didn't know, but she would have to deal and besides this was Harry's friend and his family.

"No, she hasn't been to Diagon Alley yet, Ron."

Angel was thankful her brother answered for her. Fred, George, and Ron looked at Harry in shock. Harry had talked all about taking her to Diagon Alley early, hopefully so he could show her around, but they felt sad that he hadn't been able to. Fred and George also picked up on how close Angel and Harry were just by the fact Angel hid behind Harry and the way even though Harry hadn't meant to, he stepped in front of her as though to protect her. It reminded them of their relationship. They were very close.

Eventually, Harry and Angel had gotten dressed. Harry had closed the curtain and turned away so Angel could get dressed in peace. Harry packs his Hogwarts trunk with some of both his and Angel's clothes, his books, some of Angel's books she personally enjoyed, both their pajamas, Harry's school uniforms, and all other necessities, shuts it closed, and locks it. Angel ran over and picked up Hedwig's cage and Hedwig while Winter sat across her shoulders. Angel, who was already ready, looked at the other boys in question as they couldn't crawl out the window to get to them and their door was locked. Ron puts a hook at the bars on their window silently answering her question with a slight nod.

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