What Just Happened!?!

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Back at the Dursleys'. Petunia and a bundled up Dudley come rushing the door in.

"It's all right, sweetheart. It's all right." Petunia reassures her dramatic son.

They walk in the living room as Harry, Angel, and Vernon enter the house. Vernon slams the door and shoves Harry against a wall, taking his hair. Angel backs up into the corner away from her angry Uncle petrified.

"Ow!" Harry cries out in pain.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Vernon screams at Harry.

"I swear, I don't know! Vernon snarls. One minute, the glass was there and then it was gone! It was like magic!"

"He's telling the truth! It was there then gone in seconds. It was just like magic!"

Vernon scoffs at this, grabs Angel by her upper arm and shoves Harry and Angel into the cupboard under the stairs and slams the door.

"There's no such thing as magic! "

Vernon can be heard marching away angrily to check on his son and wife.

"I am sorry. I don't know what happened. I just got angry when the glass disappeared. I didn't mean to get us in trouble." Angel cried while curling into a ball. She was scared. More strange things keep happening with her.

"It's not your fault. You didn't mean to do it." Harry insisted while crawling over to his sister to pull her into a hug.

Angel starts to cry as Harry hugs her. Harry hates seeing his sister so upset.

Angel and Harry ended up falling asleep curled into each other's arms.

((Time skip brought to you by Snape's morning voice))

The next day an owl flies towards the neighborhood houses and lands itself on a TV aerial on one of the houses' roofs.

In the living room of the Dursleys' house Dudley is in his smartest school uniform, posing and smiling grandly as his parents feed his ego.

"Awww, smile." Petunia takes a photograph of him as she gasps in joy.

"Vernon, just look at him. I can't believe it. In just a week you'll be off to Smeltings."

"Caveat Smeltona. Proudest moment of my life."

"Will I have to wear that, too?"

"Harry, don’t." Angel whispered softly from next to them. She was holding her hand close to her which had an obvious red mark across her palm.

They draw their attention to Harry and Angel. Angel was attempting to fold clothes with her injury while Harry did other small tasks.

"What, you two? Go to Smeltings?"

Harry nods, questionably while Angel seems to be trying to signal Harry to stop before he gets ahead of himself. "She was already punished today. He doesn't need to get himself into trouble too."


They laugh in amusement at the siblings.

"Oh, don't be so stupid, you're going to the state school where you belong and Angel, an all girls boarding school." She goes to the kitchen and fishes out a gray shirt, and blue dress skirt in a boiler.

"And this is what you both are gonna be wearing when I've finished dyeing it."

"But that's Dudley's old uniform. It'll fit me like bits of old Elephant skin. Also Angel doesn’t like those large skirts."

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