My Uncle Hates Me

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In the clouds during sunset, it's a quiet summer evening in Surrey. Harry and Angel Potter are in their bedroom looking at the picture book that Hagrid gave Harry at the end of his first year at Hogwarts; they look at the pictures of them as babies with their parents, then turn the page to look at a picture of him with his closest friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Angel smiles next to him as she looks at the brunette and redhead. That's when Angel's new friend Winter jumps up on the bed demanding scratches from Angel as Harry looks to his owl Hedwig chirping and hooting in her cage angrily. Angel looked at the owl in pity as she knew Harry wasn't allowed to let her out. When Harry came home they locked his things up and almost made her get rid of the maincoon kitten that Harry got her. Let's just say Angel got really really upset and several vases in the house exploded like bombs. Angel wasn't really allowed out of her and Harry's shared room now because of it. Angel and Harry share a panicked look as Hedwig gets louder and Winter starts to meow from Hedwig's loud screeching.

"Winter, shhhh. You'll get us in trouble."

"I can't let you out, Hedwig. I'm not allowed to use magic outside of school." Hedwig nibbles at her lock, squawking loudly.

"Besides, if Uncle Vernon–"

"Harry Potter!" Uncle Vernon shouts from down stairs.

Harry glances downstairs then shares an annoyed look with Angel before he looks at Hedwig and closes his book before going downstairs.

"Now you've done it."

Angel gets up and sets Winter down on his bed next to Hedwig before Angel follows her brother despite knowing she's not supposed to be down stairs. In the kitchen, Petunia is working on a cake as Harry enters with a timid Angel almost hiding behind him. Petunia gives Angel a glare when she sees her.

"They're in there, Vernon."

Harry and Angel enter the living room, where Uncle Vernon is getting Dudley dressed up. Dudley sees Angel and cowers away a bit.

"I'm warning you. If you can't control that bloody bird, it'll have to go. It has caused a lot of noise and set that bloody cat off. Also what are you doing down from your room girl?" He spat at them both.

"But she's bored. If I could only let her out for... an hour or two and Winter is a kitten he's going to meow and make noise he can't help it."

Angel remained quiet and looked away from him. She didn't want to talk to him. Harry felt protective and stepped in front of her to block Vernon’s gaze.

"So you can send secret messages to your freaky little friends? No, sir. You going to that school has caused enough problems as it is." He says darkly with a forced fake chuckle. He then glared at Angel over Harry's shoulder. Angel glared back while rapping her arms around her brother's arm for comfort. Angel told Harry what had happened while he was gone and let's just say no one has ever seen Harry so mad or so protective about something. Angel had thought her brother might kill them.

"But I haven't had any messages from any of my friends. Not one. All summer."

"Who would want to be friends with you?" He bumps Harry harshly.

"Of course people want to be friends with him! Everyone has at least one friend. If you hadn't threatened people, me and Harry would have friends from our old schools."

"Shut up you stuip girl. I should think you'd be a little more grateful. We've raised you since you both were babies, given you the food off our table, even let you have Dudley's second bedroom, purely out of the goodness of our hearts."

Angel softly scoffs at her uncle in hatred. He had to be joking. Angel had never heard him say a more lieful lie than that. Dudley was by the cake that their aunt made attempting to eat it.

"Not now, bumpkins. It's for when the Masons arrive." Angel heard Petunia say from the kitchen.

"Which should be any minute." Motions for his family to come into the living room.

"Now, let's go over our schedule once again, shall we? Petunia, when the Masons arrive, you will be...?"

"In the lounge, waiting to welcome them graciously to our home."

"Good. And, Dudley, you will be...?"

"I'll be waiting to open the door."

"Excellent." Uncle Vernon says excitedly before the three of them turn to Harry and Angel with scornful looks.

"And you…?"

"We'll be in our bedroom, making no noise and pretending that we don't exist."

Angel, who was still clinging to Harry for comfort, just stayed quiet by her brother's side. She was already in enough trouble as it was.

"Too right you will. With any luck, this could well be the day I make the biggest deal of my career, and neither of you will mess it up."

-Author's note-
((From here on out I am changing how I am writing this. I hated the way it was before. I will be editing the chapters I have already posted. Thank you for waiting.))

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