The Man That Is Full Of Himself

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Angel holds Winter close as she rushes to keep up with her brother and his long strides. She only came up to Harry's chest, and it was horrible. She huffed as they entered a bookshop with a lot of people in it. "Why are there so many people?" Angel thought while following her brother. Looking forward, she noticed bright red hair. They had found the Weasley family or, rather, Hermione found them.

"Oh Harry, Angel, thank goodness!" Mrs. Weasley said while rushing over to them.

Mrs. Weasley starts dusting Harry and Angel off. Winter sneezes as dusk flies into his face, causing Angel to chuckle at her companion.

"We'd hoped you'd only gone one grate too far!" Mrs. Weasley told us while giving Winter a scratch under the chin.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart!" A man yelled from in front of them.

"What in the world? Is an author here for book signing?" Angel asked herself as she tried to peek to see this "Lockheart" person.

"Oh, here he is!" Mrs. Weasley clapped excitedly.

The mostly female presence of the crowd applauds as the flamboyantly-dressed Gilderoy Lockhart steps into view. Angel just looking at him really, really didn't like him. She always had a good intrusion about people. This guy was not giving her good vibes at all.

"Mum fancies him." Ron told herself and Harry with a face that screamed dislike.

Mrs. Weasley playfully shoves him as Angel and Harry share a look. Winter seems to hate the man's presence just as much as Angel. He was openly growling and hissing at the man.

"Make way there, please! Let me by, madam, thank you." A man holding a camera called as he pushed through the crowd.

"Excuse me, little girls, this is for The Daily Prophet." The man said rudely as he practically pushed Ginny and Angel to the side. Winter takes a swipe at him, but unfortunately misses the man.

He snaps a photograph of Lockhart, who shines his canines and makes a pose for the camera. This guy had to be full of himself. Angel knew for sure that she didn't like him. Angel glared at him as he looked over the crowd, causing him to make eye contact with her. He then spotted her brother next to him.

"It can't be Harry Potter and his mysterious younger sister!" He shouts for the entire room to hear.

"Oh! I hate this man!" Angel thought angrily as she tried to shrink into her brother to hide.

"Harry Potter and his sister!" The same rude man from before yelled as he pretty much ran over and tackled us.

He grabs Harry and Angel by their shirts, dragging them to the front. Winter gives a hiss at the man as he tries to move in range to attack. Harry quite openly takes his sister's shirt from the man's grasp, which was noticed by many people.

"Excuse me, madam." He told Mrs. Weasley while forcing her to move.

He then pushes Harry up to the front with Angel. Angel had now mostly hidden into her brother's shirt. She hated big crowds. Winter was hissing and growling at the man, finally having been able to swipe at him before he then turned his attention to Lockhart, who was walking towards the siblings. Harry, himself, found it hard to hold back a growl. He didn't like it when people manhandled his sister. The photographer found himself with three long and rather deep cat scratch marks on his hand. Though he just shook his hand and went back to get ready for another picture. Lockhart pulls Harry up rather rough, which causes Angel to drag with him as she is holding onto him. Angel was fighting back tears at this point, and Harry was restraining himself from punching someone and using the angry cat in his sister's hand as a murder weapon. Winter had his full attention on Lockhart growling and hissing with his fur puffed, making him look like a giant ball of fur.

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