An Elf- Thing Invaded Our Room

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Harry and Angel go upstairs as the doorbell rings. Angel was grumbling to herself as she hated being trapped in their room after being locked in a closet for five weeks by her uncle.

"Mr. and Mrs. Mason! Do come in!" Uncle Vernon says from below.

As Angel and Harry make it to the top of the stairs Angel reaches into her pocket and gets Harry's attention.

"Happy Birthday Harry. It's not much but I–," Harry gently gives his sister a kiss on the head causing her to giggle as he grabs the bracelet made from a leather strip. It had a wooden carved lion head as a charm on it.

"It's lovely Angel thank you. Even a piece of paper with a happy birthday would have been fine. This is even better."

Angel smiles at her brother lovingly and gives him a big hug.  Harry ruffled her hair before they continued to their room. As Harry and Angel got closer they could hear someone laughing madly in their room as an angry sounding Winter's growl echoed too. Harry opens the door to find a elf-like creature jumping on his bed. Angel flinched back and looked at the being in amazement and bewilderment. She had heard stories about the other creatures from her brother, but she had never seen one.

"Harry and Angel Potter! Such an honor it is!"

Harry grabs his shell shocked sister, setting her down on her bed as he rushes over and closes the door. Angel just continues to stare, not knowing what else to do.

"Who are you?"

"What are you?"

"Dobby sir, ma'am, Dobby the house elf."

"Not to be, to be rude or anything, but this isn’t a great time for me to have a house elf in my bedroom."

"Why are you even here?" Angel asks softer than her brother.

"Oh, oh, yes! Dobby understands! It’s just that, Dobby has come to tell you- it is difficult, sir- Dobby wonders where to begin?"

"Why don’t you sit down?"

Angel nods at her brother's words. Angel didn't know anything about the magic world other than what her brother told her, but she knew enough to know that no one should know where we live. Then Harry's friends.

"S-sit down? S-sit- sit down?" He soon begins to cry.

Angel, confused and worried, looked at Harry. Why was he crying? Is he OK? Angel was quick to get up and give Dobby a hug.

"Dobby, ssh! I’m sorry!" Dobby cries louder as Angel hugs him trying to calm him down. Angel starts to cry too. She always cries when others cry.

"I didn’t mean to offend you, or anything."

"Hey. It's OK. What's wrong? Don't cry please. You're making me cry."

Dobby stops crying when he hears that word and blushes when he finally processes Angel hugging him. As he speaks you can hear his voice cracking from the affection.

"Offend Dobby? Dobby has heard of your greatness, sir, but never has he been asked to sit down by a wizard, like an equal. Much less been hugged by one. Miss, You don't have to."

Angel continues to hug him as tears fall down her eye's. She hated it when people cried.

"You can’t have met many decent wizards then."

"Who would treat you like that?"

"No, I haven’t. That was an awful thing to say." He then escapes Angel's death grip only to bang his head on the dresser drawer repeatedly causing Angel to flinch in shock before realizing just how much noise he was making and jumps up to stop him.

"Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!"

"Stop, Dobby! Dobby, shh! Dobby, please stop!" Harry begs desperately.

"Hey! Hey! Calm down. You're going to get us in trouble with all the noise." Angel says while trying to calm him.

From downstairs in the living room, the Dursleys and the Masons are having some wine as they hear the banging from above.

"Oh, don't mind that. It's just the… new cat! He's a kitten. A maincoon. We have yet to get him trained." He chuckles lightly, as Mr. and Mrs. Mason look on, being convinced and concerned at the same time.

"Bad Dobby!" He shouts while still banging his head on the drawer.

"Dobby! Please stop!"

"Dobby, stop! Please be quiet. Are you all right?"

"Dobby had to punish himself, sir." Pushing a stool closer to Harry only to have Angel pick him up and set him down on the stool. Dobby's face and ears redend at the ends of his ears from the affection.

"Dobby almost spoke ill of his family, sir."

"Your family?"


"The wizard family Dobby serves, sir, ma'am." Winter jumps up in Angel lap where she sat next to Dobby on the bed. Dobby reaches out and pets Winter while speaking.

"Dobby is bound to serve one family forever. If they knew Dobby was here…," He shivers.

"But Dobby had to come. Dobby has to protect Harry and Angel Potter. To warn them. Harry Potter must not go back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year. Angel cannot go this year. It's too dangerous. Young Miss could get hurt." Harry looks at him in surprise as Angel looks slightly offended and worried.

"There is a plot, a plot to make most terrible things anger," Dobby says while a shiver runs down his back.

"Plot?" Angel remembered Harry saying there were bad wizards, but they wouldn't attack a school full of learning children would they? Children that no doubt don't know how to defend themselves.

"What terrible things? Who’s plotting them?"

"Oh, he! Can’t say!" Dobby says desperately.

Angel watches her brother and the house elf as they bicker back and forth. She had no idea what was going on and was frankly too tired. She had spent up what little energy she had on crying. She was dozing off as Winter snuggled into her.

"Okay, I understand. You can’t say."

"Don’t make me talk. L–," He gets on the desk, grabs the lamp and hits himself with it. Which causes Angel to jump from her tiredness and quickly try to grab in from him.

"Bad Dobby!"

"Dobby? Dobby, put the lamp down." Harry insisted as Dobby kept hitting himself till Angel finally gets ahold of it. Everything slowly calms down, till Harry hears Vernon coming upstairs.

"Dobby, hide!" He quickly grabs Dobby by his rags, hides him in the closet, and closes the door as Angel puts the lamp back and jumps onto her hammock and pretends to be asleep with Winter laying on her. Winter being the smart cat he is, gets the hint.

"Get in there and keep quiet!"

Angel listens to her uncle, opens the door, stomps into the room, and starts to yell at Harry.

"What the devil are you doing up here?!"

Angel remained quiet so Harry could deal with it. She was too tired to deal with their uncle or the house elf right now. As she listened she ended up falling asleep. Unaware of the chaos the elf had caused while she slept.

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