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Angel had found herself lost by a shop of some sort, not being able to see the bookshop anymore, when an old man named Olivander saw her and brought her inside. He knew who she was just by the dark hair with soft red highlights. Angel had followed him in with Winter in her arms. She had no way of getting back to her brother. Lucius happened to notice her in the shop and headed right for it.

"Thank you, I don't know this place very well."

"You're most certainly welcome. I was wondering when I'd be seeing you, Miss Potter. It seems only yesterday that your mother, father, and brother were in here buying their first wands. Since you are here, let's see if we can find yours."

He picks up a wand from the three million shelves in his shop and hands it to Angel.

"Ah. Here we are."

Angel holds Winter in one arm as she holds it, but nothing happens. Lucius and Draco watch from outside the shop before deciding to go in. Angel and Winter turn their heads, looking at them before turning back to Ollivander confused.

"Well, give it a wave." Ollivander encourages.

Ollivander was eying the Malfoy's that had walked in, though he didn't say anything. Ollivander knew they never would have entered his shop unless something interested them. Angel is hesitant but waves the wand. This causes most of the boxes to come flying out and crashing down. Angel and Winter both jump, and Angel hurriedly puts the wand back on the counter. Lucius smiles with humor as Draco holds back a laugh. Angel looked petrified at what had happened. Winter's fur was sticking out all the way, making him look like a giant fluff ball once again. Angel turned, looking at both adults in the room in shock.

"Was that supposed to happen?" Angel thought in a panic while she tried to pull herself together.

"Apparently not."

Ollivander gets another wand from a box. Angel was much more hesitant to take it this time. Winter had jumped down and walked away a bit, not wanting to get hit. Lucius had given Angel a nod that encouraged her to grab the second wand. He found the girl to be sweet and not annoying, unlike her brother. She was calmer and more aware of things around her.

"Dumbledore must not have gotten his old slimy fingers on her yet. He hasn't poisoned her mind with lies." Lucius thought. "I should probably prevent him from trying to manipulate her."

Lucius pulled out his wand from his walking stick quickly and even quicker put a protection spell on the girl while barely waving his wand. Lucius pulled his wanr away carefully, so Ollivander did not see it. Winter was quick to dogged under their feet to hide from the dangerous magic that his mistress was doing.

"Perhaps this." Ollivander said as he gave the second wand to Angel.

Angel waves at a vase, which a ball of light bounces off flying across the room, startling Angel who had ducked down along with Ollivander, and caused Lucius to wipe out his wand quickly and put a shield up to protect himself, Draco, and the cat at their feet from the wild magic. Angel was quick to put that wand down, too, with a blush of embarrassment.

"No, no, definitely not! No matter."

Ollivander tries to give Angel five other wands that all failed and ended up almost hurting her once. Winter was sent flying in the air on the second one while Draco's hair turned pink with the third one. Lucius had gotten a book to the head on the fourth, which resulted in Draco and Ollivander chuckling as Angel apologized over and over again to him. On the fifth, Ollivander and Lucius had to put out a winter storm that happened in the shop. Several people outside looked at the shop with worry and absolute bewilderment about what was happening inside before they got it to stop. Ollivander puts that last one back with an alarmed look on his face before he grabs a wand from a box but stops and becomes thoughtful. He then puts that one down and walks further into the shop. He came back a few moments later with a purple box with rose gold designs on it.

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