He Is Finally Home!

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At Hogsmeade station, students are walking around, getting in the train.

"Come on, now. Hurry up, you'll be late. Train's leaving. Go on. Go on. Come on, hurry up." Hagrid says while holding a medium sized cage next to him.

Harry hands Hedwig to a train man and walks to an open door of the train with Hermione. Hermione waves to Hagrid, who waves back. Hermione gets on the train.

"Come on, Harry." Hermione urges.

"One minute." He walks over to Hagrid

"Thought you were leaving without saying goodbye and getting your sister's new friend, didja?" Hagrid takes a red album out of his coat pocket and hands it to Harry.

"This is fer you and Angel." Hagrid then puts a medium sized cat cage next to Harry where a white maincoon kitten with blue eyes could be seen.

Harry opens the album and sees a picture, moving, of him and Angel as babies with their parents. They are all smiling and waving. Harry smiles at this while also noticing Angel seems to nothin but a newborn.

"Thanks for everything, Hagrid." Shakes Hagrid's hand, then hugs him tightly.

"Oh. Go on. On with you. On with you now you have a sister waiting for you." Harry, let's go of Hagrid with a smile.

"Oh, listen, Harry. If that dolt of a cousin of yours, Dudley, gives you two any grief, you could always, um, threaten him with a nice pair of ears to go with that tail of his."

"But Hagrid, we're not allowed to do magic away from Hogwarts. You know that."

"I do. But your cousin don't, do he? Eh? Off you go." Hagrid chuckles while walking away.

Harry picks up the cat carrier before he walks away, back to the train door where Hermione and Ron are waiting.

"Feels strange to be going home, doesn't it? Also, who's that?" Hermione said before looking at the cage curiously.

"I'm not going home. Not really. I am returning to my sister but not home, and this little guy is a present for my sister. An apology for leaving her with our horrible family by herself while I was here."

"That's very kind of you, Harry. I bet she will love it!" Hermione says softly.

"Blimey! Next year there will be two Potters at the school. Your sister is going to be in the same year as my sister Harry!"

"I know she's going to love it at Hogwarts. You guys are going to love her. She's super sweet and gentle."

"What house do you think she's going to be in?" Hermione asks curiously.

Harry paused to think. As much as he wanted his sister to be in the same house as him, he knew that his sister wasn't the braves. He knew what house she would end up in. He hated to admit it, but he knew.

"I hate to say it, but the Slytherin's are going to be getting a kind, loyal, and fierce snake in their house next year."

"SLYTHERIN!" They both shout while looking at him in shock.

"Harry, you must be mad! Slytherin is full of bad!" Ron says, completely bewildered.

"No. They are full of cunningly clever and ambitious students. Just cause the most of them come out bad doesn't mean that they all are. Personally, I still don't want to be in the house, but Angel will do better there."

After a pause, Hermione thinks before speaking. She could see where Harry was going with this.

"He's right, Ron. I think Angel will be a great addition. She will show the school that Slytherin's can be more than cold, fowl cockroaches."

"She's going to be a headache for Malfoy and Snape. She's excitable." Harry says fondly as a smile graces his lips.

The train whistles, and they climb aboard. As the train starts to leave and the camera pans up over the whole scene, Harry waves out the window to Hagrid, who waves back and then waves more to other students as the train moves out of view.

((Time Skip brought to you by Voldemort and Snape doing the Macarena))

Angel standing next to her uncle waits for Harry to come out of the train station. She was super excited after not seeing him for months. She jumped and down on her heels till finally Vernon snarled at her.

"Enough! You will not behave like that in public. Stand still and fit the wrinkles in your skirt."

"Yes, sir." Angel said mockingly as her annoyance was clear on her face.

Angel fixed the wrinkles in her skirt as she stood still. She knew her uncle was not happy with her as it was. While Harry was gone she almost burned the house down while cooking twice, on purpose, she was angry and wanted to scare them, and somehow caught the laundry on fire scaring her aunt to death, she didn't intend for that one though. She also managed to break several coffee pots and vases without touching them.

"You are Harry and are going to share Dudley's old second room. I would be grateful after all you did." Her uncle said darkly while giving her a nasty glare.

Angel just gave him a not so innocent smile. She turned to look at the entrance and finally saw Harry. She ran up to him in excitement, not seeing the red head family close by.


Angel tackled her brother into a hug while a few tears fell down her face.

"Angel, Blimey! You scared me. How have you been?"

"Vernon's very upset with me..."

As Angel and Harry talked, the Weasley children and mother couldn't help but watch the reunion between the two. Mrs. Weasley soon had to leave, though. She told her kids to follow and that they would meet Angel in a few months. Angel, while talking to Harry, saw the other cage on his trolley.

"What's that?"

"What had he brought home now? He already had an owl." Angel thought.

"A present for you. I felt bad that I left you alone with them. I had to get you something."

Harry grabs the cage and opens it, pulling out a white long-haired Mancoon kitten, Angel's favorite cat. Angel was too shocked to speak and in tears hugged her brother before grabbing the kitten and cuddling it while streams of tears fell down her face. Angel didn't bother to put the kitten away even on the car ride to their living space.

-Authors note-

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