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Akshara is sitting on her bed, tears streaming down her face as she stares at a picture of her family.

AKSHARA (voiceover)

How did everything go so wrong? I thought my family loved me. I thought they would always be there for me. But I was wrong.

Flashback sequence starts.

Abhimanyu's proposal, Aarohi feeling humiliated and blaming Akshara for everything, and finally her family distancing themselves from her.

AKSHARA (voiceover)
It all started with that proposal. I never even liked Abhimanyu, but Aarohi took it as a betrayal. And then, my family accused me of not handling the situation properly. They blamed me for something that wasn't even my fault. And in the end, they chose Aarohi over me.

Akshara wipes her tears and stands up, packing a small bag of her belongings.

AKSHARA (voiceover)
I can't take this anymore. I can't keep living in a house where I feel unwanted and unloved. It's time for me to leave.

Akshara takes a deep breath and looks around her room.

AKSHARA (voiceover)
I'm scared of what the future holds. But I can't keep living in fear of my family's judgement. I need to find a place where I can start over and be myself.

Akshara takes one last look at her family picture before leaving the room.

AKSHARA (voiceover)
It's time for me to take control of my own life. And if that means leaving behind the people who don't truly love me, then so be it. I'm ready for a new beginning.

Akshara exits the house with her bag and a sense of determination, ready to start her new life in Kasauli.


Akshara's gaze shifts to the opposite seat. There, she spots Nandini, a stranger whose expression mirrors her own sorrow. Her heart tugs.

AKSHARA (Mind Voice)
Is she going through something similar? Can I find solace in a fellow traveler who understands the weight of heartache?

Akshara hesitates but eventually musters the courage to speak.

Hi, I couldn't help but notice... you seem to be carrying the same pain I am.

Nandini looks up, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

(slightly trembling)
You have no idea...

Akshara and Nandini's eyes meet, and in that moment, they share a connection that transcends words.

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