Arc VII - Chapter 21

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Riven POV

As I swapped some of the vegetables out to plant more seeds, a couple of guinea pigs were watching me closely. These two in particular have been following me since I stepped out this morning. I thought that feeding them would get them to stay away but no, they're still here. They aren't even making a sound, they're just watching me. It was almost uncomfortable. Once I was done planting the seeds, I gave them just a little bit of water. After that I went back to the front porch with the two piggies following after me. I then turn my head to a unknown car pulling into the driveway.

Out of it came a woman I did not recognize. I grew somewhat cautious until she approached me with a confused grin on her face.

???: Um, are you living here?

Riven: For now. I take it you're hear to visit Senior?

Catherine: Yes, my name is Catherine.

Riven: Riven. He should be out by the barn right now. Come.

As I led her over, more guinea pigs began to follow us. I had to warn her to watch her step as they were kinda getting in the way. Once we were close to the barn, we could hear all the winks coming from within. Despite what we had out here, more decided to stay in for today. It makes sense as it was a little colder today.

Catherine: At least we know they're alive.

Riven: Not the best thing to hear in the morning though.

Not that I need that much sleep anyways. Once we stepped inside, we saw Senior taking big steps over the guinea pigs as he sprinkled some lettuce and timothy hay around to feed them.

Carl Senior: None of you are gonna starve, I promise. Just don't choke on your breakfast.

Catherine: Mr. Barrow!

He turns over and the two share a quick wave.

Carl Senior: Well if isn't the future daughter-in-law.

Catherine: S-sir, please!

Carl Senior: I'm sorry. Just can't help it.

After he successfully navigates through the barn to us, the two share a quick hug.

Carl Senior: Now what brought you here this morning?

Catherine: Can't I visit my boyfriend's dad the day before he gets released?

Carl Senior: Come to declare the race is on?

Catherine: You know I'm already going to win so I could just rub my victory in your face now.

Senior sticks his pinkie in his ear and leans down toward her.

Carl Senior: Sorry, I can't quite hear out this ear. You mind repeating that?

Catherine: I said-

Senior then tries to feed her some lettuce but she intercepted it.

Catherine: No!

Carl Senior: It's good for you!

Catherine: I'm not eating rabbit food!

I chuckle as the two roughhouse a little. After they have their fun, Senior puts the lettuce and hay away and leads us back to the house.

Carl Senior: Have you eaten yet? It is a little early.

Catherine: You'd try to feed me even if I did eat. So, I made sure not to as to not feel like a fat kid later.

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