Arc IX - Chapter 20

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Last night was pretty rough for me. Not just cause Eve took her sweet time but because she came back with nothing substantial. All she could tell me was that Rakan was apparently located at a Chem-Baron's base. He's completely dropped off the grid. I just hope that wherever he is now, he's safe. What's worse, apparently, a bunch of Piltovans were there. Eve only found their bodies, pumped full of deadly chemicals. I didn't want to break the news to Caitlyn yet as it would be better to discuss things within their barracks. Vi should also be returning from her trip to the Firelights, so it would be best to wait.

It also gives me time to recover...

Caitlyn: Are you sure you're okay? Your legs are...

Y/N: Just leave the subject alone. I'll be fine.

Caitlyn: Alright. Just around this turn and we'll be at the barracks. I've already informed the men that we'd be putting you with special security.

Y/N: What for?

Caitlyn: Chem-Barons, of course. Though I do not entirely believe your reality-check, if any of it turns out to be true, we need to keep the people ignorant. That on its own will draw the Barons attention, potentially helping the case. Teemo also made a comment about EXP?

I mean, it's kinda silly, but I'm not going to argue with you. Not that I have the strength to do that right now. The smug look on Eve's face was so damn annoying. All I wanted to do was punch her in the face.

Teemo: Speaking of me, I do have things I need to do. What are the odds we finish this quickly?

Caitlyn: Low. There are many things we need to discuss, including how we move our units around. As you know, this is no small case. Because of that, we need to make proper use of each unit. One mistake on that front could cost us.

Teemo: Okay...

I wonder what Teemo has been up too. He never mentioned anything from his errand yesterday, and now he has another one. He's seeing someone for sure. I'm not going to pry though. If it ends up being a help, I will, as Dustin would say, let him cook. We then finally arrive at the barracks, which looked a lot less grandiose than I thought it'd be. If anything, it almost looks like a Police Precinct on Earth. Just in Piltover colors.

Once we're inside, a couple of armed Enforcers approached us.

Caitlyn: This young man here is the head of Clan L/N. For the duration of his stay, you will act as his bodyguards.

The pair nod to her then nod to me. They then led us to a room upstairs that we would be staying at. It wasn't much but it was better than the last two places we stayed. Not that Vander's place was bad, it just wasn't ideal. Someone just had to make it worse though.

Evelynn: What are the odds that I can...?

Y/N: I wouldn't suggest that.

Evelynn: Very well.

She needs to keep her disguise up if we want the NPC people to stay in line. Last thing we need is for them to start having problems as well.

Caitlyn: Alright you three. Get comfortable. When Vi has returned, we'll discuss the case and all information available.

It didn't take Vi long after Caitlyn left us to arrive. I was afforded some recovery time during the wait though. My legs appreciated that. Caitlyn then gets us settled at a meeting table near her office, with an extra face.

Ekko: So, this is the kid you were telling me about?

Vi: Yeah, the weird not-from-this-world kid.

A Brand New Legend Pt 2. (A League of Legends Isekai Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang