Arc X - Chapter 16

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Ahri POV

Feels like this tunnel goes on forever. No amount of walking seems to tell us how far we've gone. It was also quite dark, which wasn't a problem due to the fact that we each could produce light of some sort. However, we were still being cautious. The cave ambience was one thing, but I could've sworn I heard something else down here. Me and Kai'sa then stop as what sounded like growling echoed behind us. When we turn to face the potential threat, we see Qiyana blushing while holding her stomach.

Ahri: Qiyana...?

Qiyana: I'm... I'm really hungry...

The two of us relax, now knowing something didn't want to eat us. W-well, not a monster, at least.

Kai'sa: You'll just have to endure it. I doubt there will be anything to eat down here.

Qiyana: There has to be something. Anything!

Kai'sa: I'd advise you not to do that. Bugs are exactly the cure for hunger.

Qiyana shivers and begins shaking her head.

Qiyana: R-right! I wasn't suggesting we eat bugs. That's disgusting!

Kai'sa: Just making sure you know.

Kai'sa then gets back to leading the party. This time, we had Qiyana's stomach growling every so often. This, unfortunately, led to my stomach growling as well. You'd think with all the food we ate last night that we wouldn't be hungry. Turns out, wildlife in Shurima aren't very filling either. The walls then began to get closer, causing me to panic for just a second. Turns out, the cavern was getting smaller and smaller. There was one hole we could all squeeze through, and there was a light coming from inside.

Kai'sa: Watch our rear.

Ahri: Got it.

As she got to fitting herself through it, me and Qiyana watched the way we came. There's been nothing down here but looking into the endless darkness is... very creepy. Our growling stomachs were then in sync with one another, making for a weird orchestra of growls.

Qiyana: I can't stop thinking about food. Particularly, meat.

Ahri: Meat does sound very good right now. I'm thinking a Rare Steak.

Qiyana: I'm partial to burgers right about now.

Ahri: I know what we're doing when we get back.

Qiyana: Cooking?

Ahri: And eating.

We both giggle before feeling that slight bit of pain in our guts. Kai'sa then comes back and gestures us to follow. It took a moment to fit ourselves through but once we got through, we were greeted with a beautiful sight. An underground temple, flowing with water. I feel like Lara Croft now.

Kai'sa: If your thirsty, the water is safe to drink.

Ahri: How far inside did you go?

Kai'sa: All the way to that arch. Past that, we should tread carefully.

We nod and each take a sip of that water. Qiyana dumped her whole head into it to drink. I fight the urge to laugh while watching her. When she comes up for air, she does the wet hair whip that some people do. Gotta admit, that was kinda hot to watch.

Ahri: Enjoy yourself?

Qiyana: Not a word of that barbaric act to anyone.

Ahri: Alright. Can't sully your image with such heresies, your majesty.

Qiyana: Yes, I wouldn't want to be seen as your equal, Fox.

Kai'sa: Settle down you two. We are on a clock and I'd rather not find out what happens when it hits zero.

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