Arc VII Finale - Two Pawns and A Monster

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Third Person POV

A blade clashes against claws, cutting just deep enough to pierce the skin. With her newly reformed lashers, Evelynn attempts to cripple Riven but one Ki Burst prevented her from doing so. This time, it didn't just stun her, but it also knocked her back. After two strikes of Broken Wings hitting, Evelynn manages to throw Riven off her third strike with an immediately triple cast of her Hate Spike. Despite one puncturing a lung, Riven kept it going by striking one of the freights hard enough to make the one on top of it fall over. Evelynn was able to catch it and throw it at Riven but another Wind Slash split it in two. Eve was just barely able sidestep it and vanish.

Not waiting around for the potential results of the vanish, Riven hopped onto the freight she damaged before and punched it hard enough to bend the whole thing in half. This caused Evelynn to lose her balance and nearly fall on Riven who immediately runs her through. With one more swing, Riven slams Evelynn back down to ground level. Once she's down to the ground as well, all the pain and struggles for air came to the surface. Her blade then breaks into pieces again as the power up begins to wear off.

Just as she looked over to Ahri and Teemo trying to get Y/N to move, she then looks over to Marcus approaching with a heavy machine gun. With no other choice to be made, she jumps in the way with her broken sword and takes an entire clip of the gun. Marcus smirks as he sees the near see-through bullet holes on Riven's body take their toll. Just as he went to reload though, he found Teemo latching onto his face with the large, still bleeding gash specifically covering his eyes.

Marcus: Little shit!

After grabbing Teemo, he slams him on the ground, and goes to wipe the blood out of his eyes. Ahri then throws her orb, hitting his gun directly the first time, and then him the second time. However, it was too weak to actually kill Marcus, and after he regained some of his vision he began scrambling for his gun. Just as he managed to grab it though, he found Teemo slamming a grenade down next to them. The Yordle smiled as Marcus got up to make a run for it. It was a dud though and Marcus ended up falling into the real trap, a hidden mushroom Teemo set when he was jumping onto Marcus. The mushroom explosion was enough to make Marcus cut a flip through the air and land on his back.

Harrison: Y-Y/N... you need to get out of here...

Y/N: No, I'm not leaving you!

Harrison: You must...! Your life is more precious than mine...

Y/N just shakes his head while Ahri puts a gentle hand on his shoulder.

Ahri: Come on you two, up and at em. We've got to leave.

With her help, Y/N was able to help his father onto his feet so they could escape. As Teemo made an attempt to crawl after them, he just smiled, and gave a thumbs up. He was then knocked out by a sudden stomped to the head. Evelynn was back up and attempting to make her way to the trio. Riven then throws herself into Eve again, making the two stumble down. It was the demon who came out on top though and she began to claw and punch Riven to a bloody pulp.

Rakan: Entry attack...!

Eve turns her head to get a face full of foot as Rakan dived kicked her to the ground. The two then violently tumble toward the wall with Rakan hitting it a little hard. Evelynn was able to stop herself though and just managed to get back on her feet. Seeing the trio was still in range of her lashers, Eve sends them out to stop the three from leaving.

Rakan: Girl, go...!

Someone then runs past the three, almost making them stop in fear. It was nothing to worry about though as the lashers stopped right at her. Jocelin, while still a little hurt, had her arms out as a way to stop Evelynn from getting past her. That's not what the demon was concerned about though.

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