Arc VIII - Chapter 5

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Riven POV

Today was the day we all would be learning how to drive. However, before we could do that, our presence was requested at the penthouse. Normally, this would've been a problem as Murphy was gone, however, Jarold was sent to bring us.

Jarold: I take it everything's been fine?

Teemo: The place has been amazing. It's a little weird, having to adapt to a much larger house but I can deal.

Riven: Compared to what I use to live in the place is quite luxurious.

Kai'sa: At least you had something to live in. Before I stayed in the old house I laid on whatever looked comfortable. Slept in little holes to avoid being seen.

Rakan: I lived in a tree house.

It was hard to stifle the immediately chuckle but I succeeded. While me and Kai'sa clearly had it rough, Teemo is simply adjusting to a new size, and then there's Rakan. I took a very brief glance at Evelynn who sat as far from us as possible. I doubt she knows what a home is, truly anyway.

Riven: What about you Sonya?

Sonya: I'm kinda use to a big house already. Remember, I use to live in one with my whole family. Chaotic times said the sibling relationship.

Jarold then laughs up front as he stopped at a red light.

Jarold: You wanna know something? That house was under construction since February. The reason for said construction was for when Y/N found a wife.

While both Kai'sa and Sonya were shocked, Teemo let out a loud wheezing sound, and almost fell off his seat.

Rakan: Damn. Momma likes to think ahead.

Jarold: Don't tell her I told you this but...

He leans back in his seat and turns toward us.

Jarold: She's got a list of names that's nearly three pages long.

Teemo then took one glance at the two girls dating Y/N and his wheezing intensifies. His attempts to actually say something only made it worse too. As the vehicle started moving again, both girls glared at Teemo with blushes on their face. In an attempt to save the little Yordle from a painful beating, I decide to change the subject to something rather important.

Riven: So, tell me Jarold. Why were we called to the Penthouse?

Jarold: Oh, uh...

His hesitation got the girls to stop glaring at Teemo and I think I even saw Evelynn turn her head a little.

Jarold: Just know that it is important.

Rakan: I don't like it when people are vague about things. That makes me think I need to think.

Sonya: Um... Rakan?

A look of existential crisis begins to form on Rakan's face before it suddenly goes away.

Rakan: Ew, gross.

Teemo: Are we sure he isn't a woman?

Riven: Is that supposed to be a jab, Teemo?

Teemo: Maybe.

Having had enough, Kai'sa bops him on the head, knocking his helmet to the floor. My phone then buzzes for a moment so I check it out real quick.

Carl Senior: Hey, just wanna let you know that Carla and Chatty have been missing you lately.

Aw, sweet little things. Hopefully, I'll have time to visit again soon. I know Senior could always use a hand. It's too bad he can't afford to pay me for helping. I'd be on the farm helping him, otherwise. No, I would do it for free.

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