Arc IX - Chapter 25

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Third Person POV

Another day passed while Y/N was drawing his theories of that weird inner world they are now calling the Cyberspace. It was the day of the assault too as both Ekko and Zeri had arrived at the barracks with disguises and explosives as presents. Caitlyn inspected one of the explosives and gives a satisfied nod.

Caitlyn: Cleverly designed. But will they have enough power to do the job?

Zeri: Not on their own. Together in all the right places? More than enough.

Ekko: I've mapped out a good set of routes for us to take. A large group of fake Zaunites coming from topside would look really suspicious.

Caitlyn: Good move. If any of this were to leak to our enemy, our jobs would be much harder.

Teemo and Evelynn watch the whole thing from the door of their room. Y/N had no finally kicked them out so he could surround himself in his work. Papers floated all around the room around Y/N who was currently lying on the floor, staring at each one that comes close to him. Despite everything, his theories felt short into just being hypothesis'. He then snatches one paper out of the bunch and stares closely at it. What was written on it wasn't nearly as nice as what Heimer wrote over a week ago, but it wasn't some simple doodles either.

The paper begins to crinkle together as Y/N tightened his grip in annoyance.

Y/N: It makes no sense though! There is no way that place is closer to the real world. It's the literal inner workings of this world.

Many details stormed through his head, causing him to slowly lose focus of his magic. Once lost completely, all the papers began to fall to the floor. He then snatches up another paper, but this one was focused entirely on the program he was testing for this run. Everything he wanted to check was fine, but now he's left wondering if it has something to do with this strange portal to the Cyberspace. Unless he returns to the real world, he may not find out. It's unfortunate that he barely had a quarter of his EXP bar. Platinum seemed so far away still. Fat chance of this assault netting him anything worthwhile.

Throwing all the papers aside, Y/N rubs his face as he tries to suppress his upcoming migraine. Once more, Camille watched him from above. Her curiosity of him was at an all time high. Caitlyn's reports never fail to draw more and more attention. It was, of course, just as concerning. Camille knew his power would be a great asset if they could control him, but he also posed the biggest threat to Piltover that they've ever seen. This she knew as someone had come to her a while ago bearing an art piece. One that had the exact mark Y/N wielded.

She then pulls out her device and activates it. Caitlyn then felt a buzz under her sleeve as her arm band turned on. She then drops the disguise given to her and looks to the others.

Caitlyn: I must excuse myself for a minute.

As she left, nobody thought much of it. All except for Vi. Caitlyn steps outside and makes her way to the secluded spot near the barracks. Upon arrival, Camille silently lands on the ground. Once she was upright she completely overshadowed Caitlyn, who was slightly intimidated as always.

Camille: You've done well so far. However, I do not fully approve of your decisions recently.

Caitlyn: P-pardon ma'am?

Camille: The boy should be out on the field where you can gather more information on his abilities. Secondly, I do not approve of working with the Firelights. To not only welcome them into our city, but to let them into the barracks of our main force.

Caitlyn: All pieces must be used if we are to overcome our adversary. I am merely employing them to deal with a common threat. After Glasc Industries is dealt with, I intend to cut off all communications with them.

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