Arc IX - Chapter 4

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Marco POV

Taking a look at the papers one last time, I let out a sigh. Time was coming to a close and I was dreading the conversation later today. I asked everyone that they keep the party numbers down, for my sake, mostly. My door is then kicked open by one big shot shorty.

Dustin: No horn, no porn.

Marco: Hard to wear a hat when you've got a horn. Ask literally any demon ever.

Dustin: I've tried but I suck at drawing a pentagram.

Marco: Have you ever tried a play button?

Dustin hums as he sits down on my favorite chair. He knows he's not supposed to do that as that is my seat.

Dustin: So, you got everything set?

Marco: Yes. I've taken the liberty in checking everything three time.

Dustin: Gonna have to make it four later. A lot of those gifts are probably gonna be keepsakes.

He's probably right. I just hope I've got the space.

Dustin: Don't think I need to tell you this but I backed out.

Marco: I saw. What made you change your mind?

Dustin: My mom, and my girlfriend. They tried to get me too commit, but that's not where I felt my heart was. I'll work two fast food jobs if I have too. It's not what my old man would want but...

Marco: I'm sure he'd be happy that you'd want to watch your mom for him. She's got no one else but you.

Dustin: And your parents?

I close my eyes and spin my chair away from him. Sure, on the surface they were happy. However, I could tell that they would be suffering the moment I stepped outside. As much as it pains me though, I won't be able to help them if I don't develop. I'll be sure to contact them every single day though. Perhaps I'll do a quote of the day thing.

Marco: In the end, they'll be fine. No matter how hard it ends up being.

Dustin: I hope you're right. You're all they've got.

There then some commotion downstairs, signalling to me that more guests had arrived. Fearing the worst, I reluctantly stand so I could go see who it was.

Veronica: It's so good to see you again!

Lydia: It has been a long time. How have you two been?

Patrick: We've been alright. Despite everything that had happened a few months ago, we were able to get through without getting involved once.

So, it was just Lydia. That means Y/N isn't far behind. Walking out into the hall, Lydia took immediate notice.

Lydia: There's the birthday boy.

Marco: Don't remind me. I already feel like a ninety year old man.

Lydia: Try not to live till my age then. You may not get out a bed again.

Dustin: Sounds like a win in my book. Then, I just need to get hooked up to a mighty fine DoorDash deal.

Marco: With what money?

Dustin: Touche.

After rolling my eyes and sharing a hug with Lydia, I go and take a seat in the living room. As requested, there weren't many gifts. The newest one was a wrapped frame from the looks of it. Either that or it's a video game. Eh, too big to be a video game.

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