Arc VII - Chapter 24

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Ahri POV

Y/N rapidly tapped his foot on the floor as his phone rung throughout the house. He couldn't hold it due to his hands shaking too much. When no one answered, he called again. This was the third time now...

Sonya: Y/N... I don't think...

Y/N: Please, don't say anything.

His voice was mixed with fear and anger. A combination that is never good. The goal has become preventing him from doing anything stupid. Luckily, the three people that know of the enemy's location aren't here right now, meaning he can't blindly rush off into a terrible situation. Unfortunately, that's only one of a large number of things he could do. The phone cuts silent again as no one answers. Y/N rubs his hands together as his head hangs low. Pulling out my phone, I go and check for any recent news articles for our area. All of the ones I saw had nothing to do with our situation but it may be added to the list soon.

Y/N: What am I supposed to do...? There has to be something.

Ahri: Our best option is to wait-

Y/N: I cannot wait Ahri!

Him shooting up from the couch to yell at me didn't surprise me in the least. I knew what I was saying and the reaction it could cause.

Y/N: My dad is missing, there are criminals conspiring against us, people are getting hurt and killed over me!

Ahri: I know that you're worried Y/N but being in their hands doesn't mean he's in any immediate danger. If they want resources, they need to keep your father alive. We just need to gather up and find the right moment to strike.

Y/N is unable to come up with something to snap back with. At least he's still able to think rationally. He then lets out a long sigh and sits on the floor. Sonya immediately gets down to help him back onto the couch. Lending him my tails to hold onto for comfort, I go ahead and call Kai'sa to see what she's found.

Kai'sa: He's nowhere near home.

Ahri: I suspected as much. Does Bailey know anything?

Kai'sa: She only said he went out shopping alone so nothing really helpful. I'm about to leave so that I can check the routes. If it's a general store, he couldn't have gone too far.

Ahri: If you find anything, call us immediately.

Kai'sa: I doubt I'll find much but I at least know where he will be. Is Y/N alright.

Ahri: Don't know if I can say this is one of his worsts or his worst.

Kai'sa: Well, we'll pull through it like we always have. Call you back soon.

With the call ended, I noticed Y/N's grip on my tails was a little tighter. Rubbing his back with one, I plant a kiss on his cheek and allow him to lean on me.

Y/N: It never stops and it only ever gets harder.

Ahri: You've come this far. Don't let it scare you away now. After this, we're going on a long break so you can recover. We all could use one.

He nods as his body relaxes a little. I'm gonna have to visit Carolina and Bailey soon so that I can ease them as well. I don't like using my charm for this situation but I may need it for Carolina. For Bailey, I may just have to keep it a secret. Lying is wrong but she's seen Evelynn at her worst, she doesn't need to hear of a human at that level.

It's going to be a long night...

Kai'sa POV

As the sun was mostly over the horizon now, I patrolled along the route toward the nearest general store. I was trying to be quick as I wanted to quickly gather everyone up. If I were allowed to throw caution to the wind, I'd try to race them back to the bar and destroy it before they arrived. However, not only would that risk exposure, it would cause another public panic. I also believe that I'd be too late. They could already be their to my knowledge and I cannot risk Harrison getting killed.

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