Chapter 1:Unforgettable Encounter

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Today is a day I'll cherish forever.

Hi, I'm Ananya, and today, January 15th, is my birthday. My dearest friends and family went above and beyond to throw me a surprise party. As I walked into the beautifully arranged celebration, I felt overwhelmed by the love and well-wishes pouring in from everyone.

After the cake was cut and the festivities were winding down, I noticed a car pulling into our courtyard. I couldn't help but wonder who it could be. The event was nearly over, and someone was arriving so punctually? My curiosity got the better of me.

A tall man stepped out of the car, sporting a sleek black chain watch, a long-sleeved shirt, and a stylish jacket, if I recall correctly. However, as he emerged, I suddenly found myself at a loss for words. My heart raced, and my vision blurred as tears welled up in my eyes.

Was I crying?

In a rush of emotions, I fled to my room and locked myself in, desperately trying to make sense of my feelings.

Who was he?

I delved into my memory, trying to place that face. And then it hit me. His name is Sanjay, the son of my father's best friend, Mr. Devan. I still remember the day I first met him , during a family group conference.

It was as if the universe itself had conspired to prove the concept of "love at first sight."

But life has a way of teaching us hard lessons. Time has shown me that first love doesn't lead to a happy ending.

The gathering concluded, and we returned home.

I couldn't contain my curiosity any longer and asked my dad about Sanjay. He informed me that Sanjay had returned from abroad about a month ago. He was a top student at his university, incredibly handsome, and a star football player. My dad had even seen him a few times at the golf club, where he excelled in golf too.

Dad casually mentioned, "Maybe you've seen him around; he recently joined your school."I was taken aback, my eyes widening in surprise. "OMG!"

I couldn't fathom why I hadn't crossed paths with him before. "But he's in my school, and I haven't seen him at all? How is that even possible?" I exclaimed.

Dad explained, "Well, there's a reason for that. He's in the higher grade, in the A Block."

I sighed, realizing the situation. "Oh, I see."

So that's why I haven't seen him around school.

But despite the disappointment of not sharing the same classes, the fact that he was in the same school filled me with excitement.

"He's in my school... and, of course, I can see him daily," I whispered with a heart full of excitement and hope .

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