Chapter 13:Tangled Threads of the Heart: Unveiling Emotions with Sanjay

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As I walked through the corridors, the lingering uncertainty surrounding Sanjay's approach weighed on my thoughts.

"Is he coming to talk to me, or just passing by? Well, I don't mind. If he seeks me out, he should at least offer a smile or a simple 'hi,'" I mused, trying to keep my expectations in check.

Continuing forward, I passed him, my internal dialogue expressing a tinge of skepticism.

"Hmm, I know he is not here for me," I whispered, acknowledging the subtle shift in our interactions.

Yet, to my surprise, his voice cut through the air, breaking the silence.



Did he really call me, or was it a mere figment of my imagination? Turning back, I saw him walking towards me, his presence demanding attention.

"Hi. It's been a long time, no see, right?" he greeted, his words echoing with a mixture of nostalgia and curiosity.

"Hmm, yeah," I replied, a complex interplay of emotions bubbling beneath the surface. The passage of time had woven a tapestry of uncertainty between us.

"Are you alright?" he asked, concern etched in his eyes, as if searching for answers that words might not convey.

"Yeah, I am... I'm fine. What about you?"

I inquired, adopting a neutral tone to navigate the delicate terrain of our conversation.

"Yeah, I'm good. Thank you.

Actually, I wanted to ask you about something. I feel like you've been avoiding me since the incident at the library. I remember helping you there, and I am sure I didn't do anything to hurt you. But, I don't know why I sense you're ignoring me," he confessed, a mixture of doubt and sorrow clouding his expression.

"No, no! Actually, I wasn't ignoring you. That day, Albert's warnings weren't just directed at me; they were aimed at you too. I think it's better for both of us to avoid each other. I was about to meet you and your girlfriend to express my gratitude for that day. If she hadn't intervened and talked to him, I don't know what would have happened. Please convey my thanks to her,"

I explained, choosing my words with care, wanting to convey both my appreciation and the complexities of the situation.

"Oh, sorry! I think you've misunderstood. We're not dating; we're just friends,"

Sanjay clarified, his words lifting a weight of misunderstanding that had lingered between us.

Embarrassed, I whispered, "Oh! I'm so sorry. I thought she's your..."

"Ehm! This is so embarrassing," echoed in a soft whisper, both of us caught in the intricate dance of misinterpretations.

"It's okay. And you don't need to worry about me. Albert! He won't do anything. After all, I'm a senior.

I'm actually looking for you to ask something. It's the weekend, so are you available tomorrow? I want to talk to you about something. How about we meet at Lavender Coffee Shop?" Sanjay suggested, steering the conversation towards a new chapter.

"Well, what a coincidence! I happened to be available tomorrow. How about morning at 10 o'clock? Does that work for you?" I proposed, a spark of anticipation igniting within me.

"Yes, definitely. Then, see you tomorrow," he said, his warm smile casting a sense of reassurance. As I bid him farewell and walked towards the waiting car, a whirlwind of thoughts enveloped me. What did he want to tell me? Was it something I expected, or was I overthinking? And, of course, the inevitable question echoed in my mind: What should I wear tomorrow? Oh, God.

"Hey, where are you going, dear? The car is here... hey," the driver called out, bringing me back to the present.

"Huh?" I turned back, realizing I had passed where the car was parked. Caught in an awkward situation, I apologized, "Sorry, uncle. I was lost in thought... sorry, uncle."

"Haha, it's okay. Get in," Uncle said with a reassuring smile,

and as I stepped into the car, the journey home unfolded against the backdrop of Lavender Coffee Shop, where the echoes of tomorrow's conversation began to resonate in my mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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