Chapter 8: Whispers of Heartstrings

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I could sense he was playing with me, teasing in a way that irked my sensibilities.

"I'm not bad at all, Mr. Sanjay," I muttered, feeling the need to defend myself.

"Is that a question?" I shot back, unable to contain my frustration. "You created quite a spectacle. What was with throwing the chair... wow... wow. How could I possibly miss that? Obviously, I saw it, just like everyone else in the canteen did," I retorted, the words dripping with a mix of disbelief and reproach.

"Oh really. That's what I am... Cool, right?" he said with a smirk.

"Is that what you call cool? We say it was a show-off. Is that girl the first one who proposed to you?"

"Really? Are you kidding? I had more than 100 admirers back in the States. And of course, I dated nearly half of them."

"So you're admitting you're a playboy? It seems so."

"Okay, well, you could say that," he said casually.

"Okay, my driver is waiting, and I feel travelling in the car is much better. I have to go. Bye." As I turned to leave, I wondered if my straightforwardness had pushed him too far. I couldn't help but argue with him, a mix of annoyance and fascination compelling me.

As the days unfolded, I found myself waking up earlier than usual, spending extra time perfecting my appearance. I hoped to leave an indelible impression on him. Our encounters near the school gate at 8:30 and in the canteen became routine, a silent dance of acknowledgment. On weekends, the absence of our encounters left me yearning, sometimes accompanying Dad to the golf club with the faint hope of a serendipitous meeting. It never happened. His holiday whereabouts remained a mystery. Was he seeing someone? His claim of being a playboy made me imagine him in clubs and pubs - places I vehemently disliked.

One day, while heading to the library with my friends, I spotted him sitting alone, engrossed in a book. A surge of excitement and nervousness rushed through me.

"Should I go and talk?" I pondered, caught in a moment of uncertainty. "No. If I approach him, what about my friends? They accompanied me here. If I leave them and go to him, they'll definitely be mad at me." Is there a way? God! I finally got a chance to talk with him... please do something... please...

"Ananya, we're going to the sports club. We'll be back in a moment. You go collect the books you want. Also, Juan is here. She'll help you," John and Rudra informed me.

"Yeah, fine then. You go do your thing. We'll collect the books," Juan said.

After they left, I seized the moment. "Juan, I'll go to the Biology section. You check the other books."

"Okay, then let's do as you say," she said.

Thank you, universe. "Okay then. You carry on," I responded with a grateful smile.

I grabbed a random book, plotting to sit near him, but my plans were thwarted by another girl who appeared and took the spot next to him.

"Hey! Sorry for letting you wait. I had a lot on my plate, that's why. I'm sorry," she said to him, a casual apology that hinted at a familiarity I hadn't anticipated.

"It's okay! Anyway, I got here only a short time ago! So what's now?" he replied, their exchange tinged with a comfort that stung like a sudden realization.

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