Chapter 104: Tending to Wounds

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The night had fallen, casting a blanket of darkness over the city. Zane had received a message earlier, urging him to meet with a contact from his past, someone he had hoped to leave behind. Duty called, and he knew he couldn't ignore it.

With a heavy heart, he had ventured into the dimly lit alleyways, the echoes of his footsteps a haunting reminder of the shadows that lurked in the corners of his life. He had barely exchanged a few words when a sudden ambush had unfolded. The Mafia, it seemed, had a long memory.

His reflexes had saved him from the worst, but he hadn't emerged unscathed. A sharp blade had sliced across his forearm, a searing pain that left him clutching the wound as blood welled from the gash. In the midst of chaos, he had managed to escape, but he knew he couldn't return home in this state.

Desperation had driven him to a nearby park, where he had collapsed onto a bench, his breath ragged and his vision blurred. He fumbled for his phone and dialed Elena's number, praying she would answer.

Elena had been waiting at home, worried sick about Zane's late-night outing. When the phone rang, her heart leaped into her throat, and she answered with trembling fingers.

"Zane, where are you? Are you okay?" Her voice trembled with fear.

Zane's words were strained, his pain evident as he whispered his location. Elena didn't waste a moment. She grabbed her car keys and rushed to his side, her heart pounding with concern.

Arriving at the park, she found him pale and weak, leaning heavily on the bench. Without hesitation, she helped him into her car, her hands gentle yet firm. Zane's head rested against her shoulder as she drove, his pain-filled eyes never leaving her face.

Back at their home, Elena's nurturing instincts kicked in. She carefully cleaned and stitched the wound, her hands steady despite her worry. Zane winced at the pain, but he didn't utter a word of complaint. He knew he was in capable hands.

Elena's touch was soothing, her presence a balm for his battered soul. She bandaged his wound with care, her fingers tracing the contours of his skin. As she worked, their eyes locked in an unspoken connection, a silent vow of love and protection.

Afterward, she helped him into bed, ensuring he was comfortable. Zane watched her with gratitude in his eyes, his heart overflowing with love for the woman who had come to his rescue.

As he drifted into a restless sleep, Elena remained by his side, her fingers entwined with his. She knew that this was just one battle in the war they faced together, but they would face it as they had faced everything-united and unbreakable.

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